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forum_access.test in Forum Access 6

Test file for forum_access.module.


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 * @file
 * Test file for forum_access.module.

 * This is the base class for forum access testing.
class ForumAccessTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {
    $this->timeLimit = 600;

    //$this->testForumAccessUseDNA = module_exists('devel_node_access');
    if ($this->testForumAccessUseDNA) {
      parent::setUp('forum_access', 'forum', 'comment', 'acl', 'devel_node_access');
    else {
      parent::setUp('forum_access', 'forum', 'comment', 'acl');

   * This variable holds the current forum Id.
  private $testForumAccessCurrentForumId = 0;

   * This variable holds the admin user account.
  private $testForumAccessAdminUser;

   * This variable is an array with user objects.
  private $testForumAccessUsers = array();

   * This variable is an array with user permissions (also in an array).
  private $testForumAccessPermissions = array();

   * This variable is an array with the permissions of the anonymous userrole.
  private $testForumAccessPermissionsAnonymous = array();

   * This variable is an array with uids to forum access test username
   * (NOT $user->name).
  private $testForumAccessUidToName = array();

   * This variable is the forum access test username of the logged in
   * user (NOT $user->name).
  private $testForumAccessCurrentUsername = '';

   * This variable is the forum access users with moderator status in an
   * array with uids.
  private $testForumAccessModerators = array();

   * This variable is the forum grants of the tested forum configuration
   * in an array.
  private $testForumAccessGrants = array(
    'anonymous_view' => TRUE,
    'anonymous_create' => TRUE,
    'anonymous_update' => TRUE,
    'anonymous_delete' => TRUE,
    'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
    'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
    'authenticated_update' => TRUE,
    'authenticated_delete' => TRUE,

   * This variable determines whether the Devel Node Access module is
   * active; it's set in setUp().
  private $testForumAccessUseDNA = FALSE;

   * The main function which is used to start testing a specific forum
   * configuration.
   * You can add new users with specific permissions.
   * You can also remove users with permissions who are not important to you,
   * please do NOT remove the admin_user!
  protected function testForumAccessRun($grants = array()) {
    if (is_array($grants) && isset($grants['anonymous_view']) && isset($grants['anonymous_create']) && isset($grants['anonymous_update']) && isset($grants['anonymous_delete']) && isset($grants['authenticated_view']) && isset($grants['authenticated_create']) && isset($grants['authenticated_update']) && isset($grants['authenticated_delete'])) {

      // permissions for default roles
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('admin_user', array(
        'administer site configuration',
        'access administration pages',
        'administer nodes',
        'administer blocks',
        'administer comments',
        'administer forums',
        'create forum topics',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        'access content',
        'access comments',

      // view

      // no permissions

      //$this->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_2', array('access content'));

      //$this->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_3', array('access comments'));
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_4', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',

      // create
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_5', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_6', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        'create forum topics',

      // edit & delete
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_7', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        'create forum topics',
        'edit own forum topics',
        'delete own forum topics',
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_8', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        'create forum topics',
        'edit any forum topic',
        'delete any forum topic',
        ->testForumAccessCreateUser('normal_user_9', array(
        'access content',
        'access comments',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',
        'create forum topics',
        'delete own forum topics',
        'delete any forum topic',

      // You can create extra users here.

      //$this->testForumAccessCreateUser('unique_name', array('permissions'));

      // Disable clean URLs (on qa.d.o they are disabled!).

      //$this->drupalPost('admin/settings/clean-urls', array('clean_url' => 0), t('Save configuration'));
      if ($this->testForumAccessUseDNA) {

        // Enable Devel Node Access verbose mode.
          ->drupalPost('admin/settings/devel', array(
          'devel_node_access_debug_mode' => 1,
        ), t('Save configuration'));
          ->drupalPost('admin/build/block/list/garland', array(
          'devel_node_access_1[region]' => 'footer',
        ), t('Save blocks'));

      // Rebuild permissions.
        ->drupalPost('admin/content/node-settings/rebuild', array(), t('Rebuild permissions'));

      // Delete all cached permissions.
      user_access(NULL, NULL, TRUE);

      // Create the forum with the appropriate grants.
      $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId = $this
      if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId == 0) {
          ->pass(t('There was a problem creating a forum for this test.'), 'Debug');

      // Save the grants.
      $this->testForumAccessGrants = $grants;

      // for every user except the admin_user
      foreach ($this->testForumAccessUsers as $forumAccessUser) {

        // Do the loop 3 times, once as an anonymous user and once as an
        // authenticated user and once as moderator, all with the same permissions.
        for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {

          // admin makes default content to start.
          if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername != 'admin_user') {
          $admin_topic_id = $this
          $admin_comment_id = $this
          switch ($i) {
            case 0:

              // anonymous user with the same permissions
            case 1:

              // authenticated user
            case 2:

              // upgrade authenticated user to moderator

          // view
            ->testForumAccessViewComment($admin_topic_id, $admin_comment_id);

          // create
          $user_topic_id = $this
          if (intval($user_topic_id) == 0) {
            $user_topic_id = $admin_topic_id;
          $user_comment_id = $this
          if (intval($user_comment_id) == 0) {
            $user_comment_id = $admin_comment_id;
          $user_reply_id = 0;
          if ($this
            ->testForumAccessCreateReply($user_topic_id, $user_comment_id)) {
            $user_reply_id = $user_comment_id + 1;

          // edit
          if ($user_topic_id != $admin_topic_id) {
          if ($user_comment_id != $admin_comment_id) {
              ->testForumAccessUpdateComment($user_topic_id, $user_comment_id);
          if ($user_reply_id) {
              ->testForumAccessUpdateComment($user_topic_id, $user_reply_id);
            ->testForumAccessUpdateComment($admin_topic_id, $admin_comment_id);

          // delete
          if ($user_comment_id != $admin_comment_id) {
              ->testForumAccessDeleteComment($user_topic_id, $user_comment_id);
          if ($user_topic_id != $admin_topic_id) {
            ->testForumAccessDeleteComment($admin_topic_id, $admin_comment_id);

   * This function calculates if a user is allowed to perform a certain action
  private function testForumAccessAllowed($type = '', $content_id = 0) {

     * The rules according to forum_access
     * the 'access content' and 'access comments' permissions AND View to be able to see this forum and its content at all,
     * the 'create forum topics' (and similar) permissions AND Post to be able to create forum content, and
     * the 'post comments' and (probably) 'post comments without approval' permission AND Post to be able to post comments/replies;
     * the 'edit own forum topics' or 'edit any forum topic' (and similar) permissions (OR Edit) can be added if desired, plus
     * the 'delete own forum topics' or 'delete any forum topic' (and similar) permissions (OR Delete) if desired;
     * the 'administer comments' (global!) permission OR Edit/Delete to be able to edit/delete comments;
     * the 'administer forums' permission AND View to be able to administer forums (and change access!).
     * content permissions: 'access content'
     * comment permissions: 'access comments', 'administer comments', 'post comments', 'post comments without approval'
     * forum permissions: 'create forum topics', 'delete any forum topic', 'delete own forum topics', 'edit any forum topic', 'edit own forum topics'
    global $user;
    $current_user_is_content_owner = FALSE;
    if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
      if ($type == 'topic_update' || $type == 'topic_delete') {
        $topic = node_load($content_id);
        if ($topic && empty($topic->uid)) {
          $current_user_is_content_owner = TRUE;
            ->pass(t('Anonymous is the topic owner'), 'Debug');
        else {
            ->pass(t('Anonymous is NOT the topic owner'), 'Debug');
      if ($type == 'comment_update' || $type == 'comment_delete') {
        $comment = _comment_load($content_id);
        if ($comment && empty($comment->uid)) {
          $current_user_is_content_owner = TRUE;
            ->pass(t('Anonymous is the comment owner'), 'Debug');
        else {
            ->pass(t('Anonymous is NOT the comment owner'), 'Debug');
      $anonymous_permissions = $this->testForumAccessPermissionsAnonymous;
    else {
      if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername != 'admin_user' && in_array($this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]->uid, $this->testForumAccessModerators)) {
        $current_user_is_moderator = TRUE;
      else {
        $current_user_is_moderator = FALSE;
      if ($type == 'topic_update' || $type == 'topic_delete') {
        $topic = node_load($content_id);
        if ($topic && $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$topic->uid] == $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername) {
          $current_user_is_content_owner = TRUE;
            ->pass(t('The current user is the topic owner'), 'Debug');
        else {
            ->pass(t('The current user is NOT the topic owner'), 'Debug');
      if ($type == 'comment_update' || $type == 'comment_delete') {
        $comment = _comment_load($content_id);
        if ($comment && $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$comment->uid] == $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername) {
          $current_user_is_content_owner = TRUE;
            ->pass(t('The current user is the comment owner'), 'Debug');
        else {
            ->pass(t('The current user is NOT the comment owner'), 'Debug');
      $user_permissions = $this->testForumAccessPermissions[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername];
    switch ($type) {
      case 'forum_view':
      case 'topic_view':
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions) && $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_view']) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions) && ($this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_view'] || $current_user_is_moderator)) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
      case 'comment_view':
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $anonymous_permissions) && $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_view']) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $user_permissions) && ($this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_view'] || $current_user_is_moderator)) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
      case 'topic_create':
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('create forum topics', $anonymous_permissions) && $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_create']) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('create forum topics', $user_permissions) && ($this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_create'] || $current_user_is_moderator)) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
      case 'comment_create':
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('post comments', $anonymous_permissions) && $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_create']) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('post comments', $user_permissions) && ($this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_create'] || $current_user_is_moderator)) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            return FALSE;
      case 'topic_update':
        if (!$this
          ->testForumAccessAllowed('topic_view', $content_id)) {
          return FALSE;

        // check ownership
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('edit any forum topic', $anonymous_permissions) || in_array('administer nodes', $anonymous_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_update'] || in_array('edit own forum topics', $anonymous_permissions) && $current_user_is_content_owner) {
            if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('edit any forum topic', $user_permissions) || in_array('administer nodes', $user_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_update'] || in_array('edit own forum topics', $user_permissions) && $current_user_is_content_owner || $current_user_is_moderator) {
            if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
      case 'comment_update':
        if (!$this
          ->testForumAccessAllowed('comment_view', $content_id)) {
          return FALSE;

        // check ownership
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('administer comments', $anonymous_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_update']) {
            if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $anonymous_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('administer comments', $user_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_update'] || $current_user_is_moderator) {
            if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $user_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          elseif ($current_user_is_content_owner) {
            $user_saved = $user;
            $user = user_load($comment->uid);
            $allow_editing_own_comment = comment_access('edit', $comment);
            $user = $user_saved;
            if ($allow_editing_own_comment) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
      case 'topic_delete':
        if (!$this
          ->testForumAccessAllowed('topic_view', $content_id)) {
          return FALSE;

        // check ownership
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('delete any forum topic', $anonymous_permissions) || in_array('administer nodes', $anonymous_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_delete'] || in_array('delete own forum topics', $anonymous_permissions) && $current_user_is_content_owner) {
            if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('delete any forum topic', $user_permissions) || in_array('administer nodes', $user_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_delete'] || in_array('delete own forum topics', $user_permissions) && $current_user_is_content_owner || $current_user_is_moderator) {
            if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
      case 'comment_delete':
        if (!$this
          ->testForumAccessAllowed('comment_view', $content_id)) {
          return FALSE;

        // check ownership
        if (!$this->loggedInUser) {
          if (in_array('administer comments', $anonymous_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['anonymous_delete']) {
            if (in_array('access content', $anonymous_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $anonymous_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
        else {
          if (in_array('administer comments', $user_permissions) || $this->testForumAccessGrants['authenticated_delete'] || $current_user_is_moderator) {
            if (in_array('access content', $user_permissions) && in_array('access comments', $user_permissions)) {
              return TRUE;
          return FALSE;
    return FALSE;

   * This function test if the user can view a forum
  private function testForumAccessViewForum() {
    if (intval($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to view forum
        ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to view this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to view this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {

   * This function creates a new forum (must be used by the admin user!)
  private function testForumAccessCreateForum($options = array()) {
    if (is_array($options) && isset($options['anonymous_view']) && isset($options['anonymous_create']) && isset($options['anonymous_update']) && isset($options['anonymous_delete']) && isset($options['authenticated_view']) && isset($options['authenticated_create']) && isset($options['authenticated_update']) && isset($options['authenticated_delete'])) {
      $forum_options = array(
        'name' => 'Forum name: ' . $this
        'description' => 'Forum description: ' . $this
        'forum_access[view][1]' => $options['anonymous_view'],
        'forum_access[create][1]' => $options['anonymous_create'],
        'forum_access[update][1]' => $options['anonymous_update'],
        'forum_access[delete][1]' => $options['anonymous_delete'],
        'forum_access[view][2]' => $options['authenticated_view'],
        'forum_access[create][2]' => $options['authenticated_create'],
        'forum_access[update][2]' => $options['authenticated_update'],
        'forum_access[delete][2]' => $options['authenticated_delete'],
      $html = $this
        ->drupalPost('admin/content/forum/add/forum', $forum_options, t('Save'));
      if ($this
        ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to create new forum: @page', array(
        '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
        '@page' => $this
      )))) {
        $position = strpos($html, $forum_options['name']);
        $matches = array();
        if ($this
          ->assert(intval($position) > 0, t("Found 'edit forum' link."))) {
          preg_match('/admin\\/content\\/forum\\/edit\\/forum\\/(?<forum_id>\\d+)/', $html, $matches, 0, $position);
          $forum_tid = array_key_exists('forum_id', $matches) ? intval($matches['forum_id']) : 0;
          if (!$this
            ->assert($forum_tid > 0, t("Found tid in 'edit forum' link."))) {
          return $forum_tid;
        else {
      else {
    return 0;

   * This function test if the user can view a certain topic
  private function testForumAccessViewTopic($topic_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to view topic
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to view this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to view this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

   * This function test if the user can create a topic
   * Three steps: is there a create link, does the create topic page opens and can the new topic be saved
  private function testForumAccessCreateTopic() {
    if (intval($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the reply link is on the view page
        ->drupalGet('forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/node\\/add\\/forum\\/{$this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId}/", t('For @user there should be an post-new-topic-link on this page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/node\\/add\\/forum\\/{$this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId}/", t('For @user there should NOT be any post-new-topic-link on this page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('node/add/forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId);

      // Can the user select a forum from the selectbox
      $selectbox_has_forum = (bool) preg_match('/<option value="">.*<\\/option><option value="\\d+"(>| selected="selected">).*<\\/option><\\/select>/', $this
        ->drupalGetContent(), $matches);

      // Does the text "not authorized" exists on the page
      $not_authorized_exists = strpos(filter_xss($this
        ->drupalGetContent(), array()), "not authorized") !== FALSE;
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assert($selectbox_has_forum && !$not_authorized_exists, t('@user should be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {

          //        if (!$this->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array('@user' => ($this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous')), '@page' => $this->getUrl())))) {
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assert(!$selectbox_has_forum || $not_authorized_exists, t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {

          //        if (!$this->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the post new topic page for this forum: @page', array('@user' => ($this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous')), '@page' => $this->getUrl())))) {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to create a new topic
        $topic_options = array(
          'title' => 'Topic title: ' . $this
          'body' => 'Topic body: ' . $this
          ->drupalPost('node/add/forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId, $topic_options, t('Save'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if ($this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to create a new topic on this forum: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
            $topic = node_load(array(
              'title' => $topic_options['title'],
            return $topic ? $topic->nid : 0;
          else {
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to create a new topic on this forum: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
            $topic = node_load(array(
              'title' => $topic_options['title'],
            return $topic ? $topic->nid : 0;
    return 0;

   * This function test if the user can update a topic
   * Three steps: is there a edit link, does the edit page opens and can the edited topic be saved
  private function testForumAccessUpdateTopic($topic_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this
        ->testForumAccessAllowed('topic_update', $topic_id);

      // Check to see if there is an edit link on the page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/node\\/{$topic_id}\\/edit/", t('For @user there should be an edit-this-topic-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/node\\/{$topic_id}\\/edit/", t('For @user there should NOT be an edit-this-topic-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id . '/edit/');
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the edit page for this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the edit page for this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to edit the topic
        $topic_options = array(
          'title' => 'Topic title: ' . $this
          'body' => 'Topic body: ' . $this
          ->drupalPost('node/' . $topic_id . '/edit', $topic_options, t('Save'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if (!$this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to edit this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to edit this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

   * This function test if the user can delete a topic
   * Four steps: is there a edit link, does the edit page opens, is there a delete link on the edit page and can the topic be deleted
  private function testForumAccessDeleteTopic($topic_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0) {
      $allowed_edit = $this
        ->testForumAccessAllowed('topic_update', $topic_id);
      $allowed_delete = $this
        ->testForumAccessAllowed('topic_delete', $topic_id);

      // Check to see if there is an edit link on the page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id);
      if ($allowed_edit) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/node\\/{$topic_id}\\/edit/", t('For @user there should be an edit-this-topic-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/node\\/{$topic_id}\\/edit/", t('For @user there should NOT be an edit-this-topic-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the edit page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id . '/edit/');
      if ($allowed_edit) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the edit page on this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the edit page on this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      $page_has_delete_button = $test_direct_link = FALSE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if there is an delete link on the edit page
          ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id . '/edit');
        if ($allowed_delete) {
          if (!$this
            ->assertFieldById('edit-delete', 'Delete', t('For @user there should be a delete-link on the edit page for this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
          else {
            $page_has_delete_button = TRUE;
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertNoFieldById('edit-delete', 'Delete', t('For @user there should NOT be a delete-link on the edit page for this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
            $page_has_delete_button = TRUE;
        if ($page_has_delete_button) {

          // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to delete the topic
            ->drupalPost('node/' . $topic_id . '/edit', array(), t('Delete'));
      else {
          ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id . '/delete');
        $test_direct_link = TRUE;
      if ($page_has_delete_button || $test_direct_link) {
        if ($allowed_delete) {
          if (!$this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to delete this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to delete this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

   * This function test if the user can view a certain comment
  private function testForumAccessViewComment($topic_id = 0, $comment_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0 && intval($comment_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to view comment
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id, array(
        'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment_id,
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("Comment comment", t('@user should be allowed to view this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("Comment comment", t('@user should NOT be allowed to view this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

   * This function test if the user can create a comment
   * Three steps: is there a create link, does the create comment page opens and can the new comment be saved
  private function testForumAccessCreateComment($topic_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the reply link is on the view page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/comment\\/reply\\/{$topic_id}/", t('For @user there should be a reply link on this page for a new comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/comment\\/reply\\/{$topic_id}/", t('For @user there should NOT be any reply link on this page for a new comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('comment/reply/' . $topic_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the reply page for this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the reply page for this topic: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to create a new comment
        $comment_options = array(
          'subject' => 'Comment subject: ' . $this
          'comment' => 'Comment comment: ' . $this
          ->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $topic_id, $comment_options, t('Preview'));
        $html = $this
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $comment_options, t('Save'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if ($this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to reply on this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
            preg_match('/node\\/(?<topic_id>\\d+)#comment-(?<comment_id>\\d+)/', $this->url, $matches);
            return array_key_exists('comment_id', $matches) ? intval($matches['comment_id']) : 0;
          else {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to reply on this topic: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('topic', $topic_id);
            preg_match('/node\\/(?<topic_id>\\d+)#comment-(?<comment_id>\\d+)/', $this->url, $matches);
            return array_key_exists('comment_id', $matches) ? intval($matches['comment_id']) : 0;
    return 0;

   * This function test if the user can create a reply on a comment
   * Three steps: is there a create link, does the create reply page opens and can the new reply on a comment be saved
  private function testForumAccessCreateReply($topic_id = 0, $comment_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0 && intval($comment_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this

      // Check to see if the reply link is on the view page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id, array(
        'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment_id,
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/comment\\/reply\\/{$topic_id}\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should be a reply link on this comment on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/comment\\/reply\\/{$topic_id}\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should NOT be any reply link on this comment on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('comment/reply/' . $topic_id . '/' . $comment_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          "not authorized",
          "not exist",
        ), t('@user should be allowed to open the reply page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          "not authorized",
          "not exist",
        ), t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the reply page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to reply the comment
        $comment_options = array(
          'subject' => 'Comment subject: ' . $this
          'comment' => 'Comment comment: ' . $this
          ->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $topic_id . '/' . $comment_id, $comment_options, t('Preview'));
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $comment_options, t('Save'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if ($this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to reply on this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {

            //preg_match_all('/node\/(?<topic_id>\d+)#comment-(?<comment_id>\d+)/', $this->url, $matches);

            //return (array_key_exists('comment_id', $matches) ? intval($matches['comment_id']) : 0);
            return TRUE;
          else {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to reply on this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

            //preg_match_all('/node\/(?<topic_id>\d+)#comment-(?<comment_id>\d+)/', $this->url, $matches);

            //return (array_key_exists('comment_id', $matches) ? intval($matches['comment_id']) : 0);
    return FALSE;

   * This function test if the user can update a comment
   * Three steps: is there a edit link, does the edit page opens and can the edited comment be saved
  private function testForumAccessUpdateComment($topic_id = 0, $comment_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0 && intval($comment_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this
        ->testForumAccessAllowed('comment_update', $comment_id);

      // Check to see if the edit link is on the view page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id, array(
        'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment_id,
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/comment\\/edit\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should be an edit this comment-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/comment\\/edit\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should NOT be an edit this comment-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the reply page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('comment/edit/' . $comment_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the edit page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the edit page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to edit the comment
        $comment_options = array(
          'subject' => 'Comment subject: ' . $this
          'comment' => 'Comment comment: ' . $this
          ->drupalPost('comment/edit/' . $comment_id, $comment_options, t('Preview'));
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $comment_options, t('Save'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if (!$this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to edit this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to edit this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

   * This function test if the user can delete a comment
   * Three steps: is there a delete link, does the delete page opens and can the comment be deleted
  private function testForumAccessDeleteComment($topic_id = 0, $comment_id = 0) {
    if (intval($topic_id) > 0 && intval($comment_id) > 0) {
      $allowed = $this
        ->testForumAccessAllowed('comment_delete', $comment_id);

      // Check to see if the delete link is on the view page
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $topic_id, array(
        'fragment' => 'comment-' . $comment_id,
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertPattern("/comment\\/delete\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should be a delete-this-comment-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoPattern("/comment\\/delete\\/{$comment_id}/", t('For @user there should NOT be a delete-this-comment-link on the page: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('this user') : t('anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

      // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to open the delete page
      $page_opened = FALSE;
        ->drupalGet('comment/delete/' . $comment_id);
      if ($allowed) {
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to open the delete page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!$this
          ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to open the delete page for this comment: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
            ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
          $page_opened = TRUE;
      if ($page_opened) {

        // Check to see if the user/anonymous is allowed to edit the comment
          ->drupalPost('comment/delete/' . $comment_id, array(), t('Delete'));
        if ($allowed) {
          if (!$this
            ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to delete this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);
        else {
          if (!$this
            ->assertText("not authorized", t('@user should NOT be allowed to delete this comment: @page', array(
            '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
            '@page' => $this
          )))) {
              ->testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo('comment', $comment_id);

   * Wrapper function for drupalCreateUser
  private function testForumAccessCreateUser($name = '', $permissions = array()) {
    if (empty($name)) {
      $name = 'User name: ' . $this
    $delete_permissions = FALSE;
    if (count($permissions) == 0) {
      $delete_permissions = TRUE;
      $permissions = array(
        'access comments',
        'access content',
        'post comments',
        'post comments without approval',

      // default permissions
    if ($this->testForumAccessUseDNA) {
      $permissions[] = 'view devel_node_access information';
    if ($name == 'admin_user') {
      $this->testForumAccessAdminUser = $this
    else {
      $this->testForumAccessUsers[$name] = $this
    if ($delete_permissions) {
      $permissions = array();
      if ($name == 'admin_user') {
      else {
        ->pass('The permissions are deleted for user: ' . $name, 'Debug');
    $this->testForumAccessPermissions[$name] = $permissions;
    if ($name == 'admin_user') {
      $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$this->testForumAccessAdminUser->uid] = $name;
    else {
      $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$this->testForumAccessUsers[$name]->uid] = $name;

   * Wrapper function for drupalLogin
  private function testForumAccessLogin($name = '') {
    if (array_key_exists($name, $this->testForumAccessUsers)) {
      $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername = $name;
    elseif ($name == 'admin_user') {
      $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername = 'admin_user';
    else {
      $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername = '';

   * Wrapper function for drupalLogout
  private function testForumAccessLogout() {
    $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername = '';

   * This function adds a user as a moderator to a forum (must be used by the admin user!)
  private function testForumAccessAddModerator($uid = 0) {
    if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername == 'admin_user' && intval($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId) > 0 && intval($uid) > 0) {
      if ($uid > 0) {
        $forum_options = array(
          'forum_access[acl][add]' => $this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessUidToName[$uid]]->name,
          ->drupalPost('admin/content/forum/edit/forum/' . $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId, $forum_options, t('Add User'));
          ->drupalPost(NULL, $forum_options, t('Save'));
        if (!$this
          ->assertNoText("not authorized", t('@user should be allowed to add moderators to a forum: @page', array(
          '@user' => $this->loggedInUser ? t('The user') : t('Anonymous'),
          '@page' => $this
        )))) {
        else {
          array_push($this->testForumAccessModerators, $uid);

   * This function adds a user as a moderator to a forum (must be used by the admin user!)
  private function testForumAccessGetModeratorStatus($uid = 0) {
    if (intval($this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId) > 0 && intval($uid) > 0) {
      $result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT uid FROM {acl_user} WHERE uid = %d AND acl_id = (SELECT acl_id FROM {acl} WHERE module = 'forum_access' AND (name = '%s' OR number = %d))", $uid, $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId, $this->testForumAccessCurrentForumId));
      if (isset($result->uid) && intval($result->uid) > 0 && $uid == $result->uid) {
        return TRUE;
      else {
        return FALSE;

   * This function is called when the program detects an error. It gives extra information so that the error can be fixed. hopefully :)
  private function testForumAccessDumpDebugInfo($content_type = '', $content_id = 0) {
    if ($content_type == 'comment' && intval($content_id) > 0) {
      $comment = _comment_load($content_id);
      if ($comment && $comment->cid > 0) {
          ->pass('The comment owner is: ' . ($comment->uid > 0 ? $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$comment->uid] : t('Anonymous')), 'Debug');
        $topic = node_load($comment->nid);
        if ($topic && $topic->nid > 0) {
            ->pass('The topic owner is: ' . ($topic->uid > 0 ? $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$topic->uid] : t('Anonymous')), 'Debug');
    if ($content_type == 'topic' && intval($content_id) > 0) {
      $topic = node_load($content_id);
      if ($topic && $topic->nid > 0) {
          ->pass('The topic owner is: ' . ($topic->uid > 0 ? $this->testForumAccessUidToName[$topic->uid] : t('Anonymous')), 'Debug');
      ->pass('The current user is: ' . (empty($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername) ? 'anonymous' : $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername), 'Debug');
    if ($this->loggedInUser) {

      // Check the moderator status.
      $moderator_status_set = $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername != 'admin_user' && in_array($this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]->uid, $this->testForumAccessModerators) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      $moderator_status_database = $this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername != 'admin_user' && $this
        ->testForumAccessGetModeratorStatus($this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]->uid) ? TRUE : FALSE;
      if ($moderator_status_set == $moderator_status_database) {
          ->pass('The moderator status is: ' . ($moderator_status_set ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'), 'Debug');
      else {
          ->pass('Set moderator status is: ' . ($moderator_status_set ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'), 'Debug');
          ->pass('Database moderator status is: ' . ($moderator_status_database ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'), 'Debug');

      // Check the permissions of the logged-in user.
      $permissions_set = count($this->testForumAccessPermissions[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]) > 0 ? $this->testForumAccessPermissions[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername] : array(
      if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername == 'admin_user') {
        $permissions_database = $this
          ->testForumAccessGetPermissionsUser($this->testForumAccessAdminUser->uid, TRUE);
      else {
        $permissions_database = $this
          ->testForumAccessGetPermissionsUser($this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]->uid, TRUE);
      $permissions_error = FALSE;
      foreach ($permissions_set as $perm) {
        if (!in_array($perm, $permissions_database)) {
          $permissions_error = TRUE;
      foreach ($permissions_database as $perm) {
        if (!in_array($perm, $permissions_set)) {
          $permissions_error = TRUE;
      if (!$permissions_error) {
          ->pass('The permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $permissions_set), 'Debug');
      else {
          ->pass('Set permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $permissions_set), 'Debug');
        if ($this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername == 'admin_user') {
            ->pass('Database permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $this
            ->testForumAccessGetPermissionsUser($this->testForumAccessAdminUser->uid, TRUE)), 'Debug');
        else {
            ->pass('Database permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $this
            ->testForumAccessGetPermissionsUser($this->testForumAccessUsers[$this->testForumAccessCurrentUsername]->uid, TRUE)), 'Debug');
    else {

      // Check the permissions for anonymous.
      $permissions_set = count($this->testForumAccessPermissionsAnonymous) > 0 ? $this->testForumAccessPermissionsAnonymous : array(
      $permissions_database = $this
      $permissions_error = FALSE;
      foreach ($permissions_set as $perm) {
        if (!in_array($perm, $permissions_database)) {
          $permissions_error = TRUE;
      foreach ($permissions_database as $perm) {
        if (!in_array($perm, $permissions_set)) {
          $permissions_error = TRUE;
      if (!$permissions_error) {
          ->pass('The permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $permissions_set), 'Debug');
      else {
          ->pass('Set permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $permissions_set), 'Debug');
          ->pass('Database permissions are: ' . implode(', ', $permissions_database), 'Debug');

    // Check the forum grants.
    $forum_grants_set = array_keys(array_filter($this->testForumAccessGrants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;')));
    $forum_grants_database = array_keys(array_filter($this
      ->testForumAccessGetForumGrants(), create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;')));
    $forum_grants_error = FALSE;
    foreach ($forum_grants_set as $grant) {
      if (!in_array($grant, $forum_grants_database)) {
        $forum_grants_error = TRUE;
    foreach ($forum_grants_database as $grant) {
      if (!in_array($grant, $forum_grants_set)) {
        $forum_grants_error = TRUE;
    if (!$forum_grants_error) {
        ->pass('The forum grants are: ' . implode(', ', $forum_grants_set), 'Debug');
    else {
        ->pass('Set forum grants are: ' . implode(', ', $forum_grants_set), 'Debug');
        ->pass('Database forum grants are: ' . implode(', ', $forum_grants_database), 'Debug');
      ->verbose('URL: ' . $this
      ->getUrl() . '<hr />' . $this
      ->drupalGetContent(), 'Debug');

   * This function sets the permissions for the anonymous userrole in the database
  private function testForumAccessSetPermissionsAnonymousRole($permissions = array()) {
    if ($this
      ->checkPermissions($permissions)) {
      $this->testForumAccessPermissionsAnonymous = $permissions;
      db_query("UPDATE {permission} SET perm = '%s' WHERE rid = %d", implode(', ', $permissions), DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID);

   * This function gets the permissions for the authenticated userrole from the database
  private function testForumAccessSetPermissionsAuthenticatedRole($permissions = array()) {
    if ($this
      ->checkPermissions($permissions)) {
      db_query("UPDATE {permission} SET perm = '%s' WHERE rid = %d", implode(', ', $permissions), DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID);

   * This function deletes the user permissions for a specific from the database
  private function testForumAccessDeletePermissionsUser($uid = 0) {
    if ($uid > 0) {
      db_query("UPDATE {permission} SET perm = '' WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM {users_roles} WHERE uid = %d)", $uid);

   * This function gets the permissions for the anonymous userrole from the database
  private function testForumAccessGetPermissionsAnonymousUser($if_empty_return_none = FALSE) {
    $result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT perm FROM {permission} WHERE rid = %d", DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID));
    if (!empty($result->perm)) {
      return explode(', ', $result->perm);
    elseif ($if_empty_return_none) {
      return array(
    return array();

   * This function gets the user permissions for a specific from the database
  private function testForumAccessGetPermissionsUser($uid = 0, $if_empty_return_none = FALSE) {
    if ($uid > 0) {
      $result_authenticated = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT perm FROM {permission} WHERE rid = %d", DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID));
      $result_user = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT p.perm as perm FROM {users_roles} u JOIN {permission} p ON u.rid = p.rid where u.uid = %d", $uid));
      if (!empty($result_authenticated->perm) && !empty($result_user->perm)) {
        return array_merge(explode(', ', $result_authenticated->perm), explode(', ', $result_user->perm));
      elseif (!empty($result_authenticated->perm)) {
        return explode(', ', $result_authenticated->perm);
      elseif (!empty($result_user->perm)) {
        return explode(', ', $result_user->perm);
      elseif ($if_empty_return_none) {
        return array(
    return array();

   * This function gets the forum grants from the database
  private function testForumAccessGetForumGrants() {
    $grants = array();
    $grants_anonymous = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {forum_access} WHERE rid = %d", DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID));
    $grants['anonymous_view'] = $grants_anonymous->grant_view ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['anonymous_create'] = $grants_anonymous->grant_create ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['anonymous_update'] = $grants_anonymous->grant_update ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['anonymous_delete'] = $grants_anonymous->grant_delete ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants_authenticated = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {forum_access} WHERE rid = %d", DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID));
    $grants['authenticated_view'] = $grants_authenticated->grant_view ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['authenticated_create'] = $grants_authenticated->grant_create ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['authenticated_update'] = $grants_authenticated->grant_update ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $grants['authenticated_delete'] = $grants_authenticated->grant_delete ? TRUE : FALSE;
    return $grants;

   * This function gets the forum grants from the input string
  protected function testForumAccessGetGrants($grants_string = '') {
    $grants = array();
    $grants['anonymous_view'] = stristr($grants_string, 'anonymous_view') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['anonymous_create'] = stristr($grants_string, 'anonymous_create') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['anonymous_update'] = stristr($grants_string, 'anonymous_update') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['anonymous_delete'] = stristr($grants_string, 'anonymous_delete') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['authenticated_view'] = stristr($grants_string, 'authenticated_view') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['authenticated_create'] = stristr($grants_string, 'authenticated_create') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['authenticated_update'] = stristr($grants_string, 'authenticated_update') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    $grants['authenticated_delete'] = stristr($grants_string, 'authenticated_delete') === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    return $grants;

   * The array version of the function assertText
  private function assertTextArray($text, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    return $this
      ->assertTextArrayHelper($text, $message, $group, FALSE);

   * The array version of the function assertNoText
  private function assertNoTextArray($text, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    return $this
      ->assertTextArrayHelper($text, $message, $group, TRUE);

   * The array version of the function assertTextHelper
  private function assertTextArrayHelper($text, $message, $group, $not_exists) {
    if ($this->plainTextContent === FALSE) {
      $this->plainTextContent = filter_xss($this->content, array());
    if (!$message) {
      $message = !$not_exists ? t('"@text" found', array(
        '@text' => $text,
      )) : t('"@text" not found', array(
        '@text' => $text,
    return $this
      ->assert($not_exists == ($this
      ->strpos_array($this->plainTextContent, $text) === FALSE), $message, $group);

   * The array version of the function strpos
  private function strpos_array($haystack, $needles) {
    foreach ($needles as $needle) {
      $pos = strpos($haystack, $needle);
      if ($pos !== FALSE) {
        return $pos;
    return FALSE;

class ForumAccessTestCase1 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_create' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_update' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_delete' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_delete' => TRUE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #1'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase2 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_create' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_delete' => TRUE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #2'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase3 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_create' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_delete' => TRUE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #3'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase4 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => TRUE,
      'anonymous_create' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_delete' => FALSE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #4'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase5 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_create' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_delete' => FALSE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #5'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase6 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_create' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_update' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_delete' => FALSE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #6'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this

class ForumAccessTestCase7 extends ForumAccessTestCase {

   * Implements getInfo().
   * Change the grants to your wishes
  public function getInfo() {
    $grants = array(
      'anonymous_view' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_create' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_update' => FALSE,
      'anonymous_delete' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_view' => TRUE,
      'authenticated_create' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_update' => FALSE,
      'authenticated_delete' => FALSE,
    $grants_string = implode(', ', array_keys(array_filter($grants, create_function('$grant', 'return $grant;'))));
    if (empty($grants_string)) {
      $grants_string = t('none');
    return array(
      'name' => t('Forum access functionality #7'),
      'description' => t('Test forum access with the following grants: @grants_string', array(
        '@grants_string' => $grants_string,
      'group' => t('Forum access'),

   * Implements setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Implements the Forum Access testing.
  function testForumAccess() {
    $getinfo = $this
