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function _forum_access_access_any_forum in Forum Access 6

Helper function to determine the access to the 'forum' menu item.

Returns TRUE if the user has at least one role that can access at least one forum.

1 call to _forum_access_access_any_forum()
_forum_access_forum_access_callback in ./forum_access.module
Access callback for the 'forum' menu path.


./forum_access.module, line 619


function _forum_access_access_any_forum($account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  static $return = array();
  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $user;
  if (!isset($return[$account->uid])) {
    if ($account->uid == 1) {
      return $return[$account->uid] = TRUE;
    if (!user_access('access content', $account)) {
      return $return[$account->uid] = FALSE;
    $rids = variable_get('forum_access_rids', NULL);
    if (!isset($rids)) {
      $rids = array();
      $result = db_query("SELECT fa.rid FROM {forum_access} fa WHERE fa.grant_view > 0 GROUP BY fa.rid");
      while ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $rids[] = $role->rid;
      variable_set('forum_access_rids', $rids);
    foreach ($rids as $rid) {
      if (isset($account->roles[$rid])) {
        return $return[$account->uid] = TRUE;
    $return[$account->uid] = FALSE;
  return $return[$account->uid];