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function forum_access_update_6100 in Forum Access 6

Warn users upgrading from Drupal 5.


./forum_access.install, line 186
Install, update and uninstall functions for the forum_access module.


function forum_access_update_6100() {
  drupal_set_message('<b>Upgrading Forum Access from Drupal 5?&nbsp; Then please read:</b><br />In Drupal 5, comment posting was not restricted by Forum Access; users with <em>View</em> access (and the <em>post comments</em> permission) were always allowed to post forum comments. Starting with Drupal 6, posting comments is now restricted to users with <em>Post</em> access. If you prefer the old behavior, then go to ' . l('Forum Settings', 'admin/content/forum/settings', array(
    'fragment' => 'edit-forum-admin-settings-forum-access',
  )) . ' and turn <em>Drupal 5 legacy mode</em> on.', 'warning', FALSE);
  return array();