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function _forum_access_forum_permissions_form in Forum Access 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/ \_forum_access_forum_permissions_form()
1 call to _forum_access_forum_permissions_form()
_forum_access_forum_form in ./
Rewrite the forum administration page with our new access rules.


./, line 110


function _forum_access_forum_permissions_form($is_container) {
  $tr = 't';
  $variables = array();
  foreach (array(
    'access content' => 'node',
    'access comments' => 'comment',
    'create forum content' => 'node',
    'post comments' => 'comment',
    'skip comment approval' => 'comment',
    'edit own forum content' => 'node',
    'edit any forum content' => 'node',
    'delete own forum content' => 'node',
    'delete any forum content' => 'node',
    'administer comments' => 'comment',
    'administer forums' => 'forum',
    'administer nodes' => 'node',
    'access content overview' => 'node',
    'view own unpublished content' => 'node',
    'edit own comments' => 'comment',
  ) as $perm => $module) {
    $variables += _forum_access_permission_link($module, $perm, '<em title="' . $perm . '">', '</em>');
  if (!$is_container) {
    $form = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => check_plain($tr('Permissions information')),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    $form[] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => '<div>' . t('Note that users need') . '<ul style="margin-top: 0"><li>' . t('the !access_content and !access_comments permissions <strong>AND <em>View</em></strong> to be able to see this forum and its content at all,', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !create_forum_content (and similar) permissions <strong>AND <em>Post</em></strong> to be able to create forum content, and', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !post_comments (and optionally !skip_comment_approval) permission AND <em>Post</em> to be able to post comments/replies;', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !edit_own_forum_content or !edit_any_forum_content (and similar) permissions (<strong>OR <em>Edit</em></strong>) can be added if desired, <strong>plus</strong>', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !delete_own_forum_content or !delete_any_forum_content (and similar) permissions (<strong>OR <em>Delete</em></strong>) if desired;', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !administer_comments (global!) permission <strong>OR <em>Edit</em>/<em>Delete</em></strong> to be able to edit/delete comments;', $variables) . '</li><li>' . t('the !administer_forums permission <strong>AND <em>View</em></strong> to be able to administer forums (and change access!).', $variables) . '</li></ul>' . t('Furthermore note that content which is not published is treated in a different way by Drupal: it can be viewed only by its author (with the !view_own_unpublished_content permission) or by users with the !administer_nodes permission. Unpublished comments and replies are accessible to users with <strong><em>Edit</em> OR <em>Delete</em></strong>, <strong>OR</strong> with the !administer_comments permission, but they are never counted on the forum page.', $variables) . '<br />' . t('The global !edit_own_comments permission is ignored, but the edit/delete forum content permissions are extended to comments; the per-forum <strong><em>Edit</em></strong> and <strong><em>Delete</em></strong> apply to both nodes and comments, too.', $variables) . '</div>',
    return $form;