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function _forum_access_forum_grants_form in Forum Access 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/ \_forum_access_forum_grants_form()
1 call to _forum_access_forum_grants_form()
_forum_access_forum_form in ./
Rewrite the forum administration page with our new access rules.


./, line 227


function _forum_access_forum_grants_form(&$form_state, $is_container, $settings) {
  $tr = 't';
  $roles = user_roles();
  $administer_forums_roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'administer forums');
  $bypass_node_access_roles = user_roles(FALSE, 'bypass node access');
  $form = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#theme' => 'forum_access_table',
  $forum_vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load(_forum_access_get_vid());
  if ($is_container) {
    $cols = array(
      'view' => t('View this container'),
      'create' => t('See this container in the %Forums selection list', array(
        '%Forums' => $forum_vocabulary->name,
  else {
    $cols = array(
      'view' => t('View this forum'),
      'create' => t('Post in this forum'),
      'update' => t('Edit posts'),
      'delete' => t('Delete posts'),
  $form['col_ids'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => array_keys($cols),
  foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
    $form['rows'][$rid] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#markup' => check_plain($role),
    $special = NULL;
    if (isset($administer_forums_roles[$rid])) {
      $special = t("This role has the '@administer_forums' permission, and granting 'View' enables the role holders to change the settings on this page, including Access Control!", array(
        '@administer_forums' => $tr('administer forums'),
      if (isset($bypass_node_access_roles[$rid])) {
        $special .= ' ' . t("Because the role also has the '@bypass_node_access' permission, it has full access to all nodes either way.", array(
          '@bypass_node_access' => $tr('bypass node access'),
    elseif (isset($bypass_node_access_roles[$rid])) {
      $special = t("This role has the '@bypass_node_access' permission and thus full access to all nodes.", array(
        '@bypass_node_access' => $tr('bypass node access'),
    if (isset($special)) {
      $form['rows'][$rid] += array(
        '#prefix' => '<em><span title="' . $special . '" class="forum-access-special-role">',
        '#suffix' => '</span></em>',
        '#disabled' => TRUE,
    $roles[$rid] = '';
  foreach ($cols as $cid => $ctitle) {
    $form['checkboxes'][$cid] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#options' => $roles,
      '#default_value' => $settings[$cid],
      '#process' => array(
    $form['col_ids'][$cid] = array(
      '#markup' => $ctitle,
      '#tree' => TRUE,
  $form_state['build_info']['files'][] = _forum_access_module_load_include('');
  $form['info1'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#description' => t('For explanations of <em class="placeholder">special cases</em>, hover your mouse over role names.'),
  if ($is_container) {
    $form['info2'] = array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#description' => t('Users who can see any forum or container within this one should get the <strong><em>View</em></strong> grant. <br /> Users who can post to a forum within this container should get the <strong><em>See</em></strong> grant, so that the forum appears in the proper context in the %Forums selection list.', array(
        '%Forums' => $forum_vocabulary->name,
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'forum_access') . '/forum_access.css', array(
    'preprocess' => FALSE,
  return $form;