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function template_preprocess_formatter_suite_field_list in Formatter Suite 8

Prepares variables for field list template.

This template is used by this module's field list formatters and the the 'formatter_suite_field_list' template. The template's job is to format a list of fields using a selected list style and with selected list separators between the items.

Template processing uses the core field output image width and height and uses them in the output variables.


array $variables: Returns an associative array of theme variables.


./formatter_suite.module, line 129
Implements the principal entry points and hooks for the module.


function template_preprocess_formatter_suite_field_list(array &$variables, $hook) {
  $element = $variables['element'];
  template_preprocess_field($variables, $hook);
  $variables['list_style'] = $element['#list_style'];
  $variables['list_separator'] = $element['#list_separator'];