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Files in Format Number API 6

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt 6.x-1.x-dev =========== 6.x-1.6 ======= Features: - #636066 by seals: Added Swedish translation. - #438116 Implement numeric input element at Forms API level. Requires running update.php to clear theme registry. - Updated translation…
format_number.css format_number.css .form-numeric { display: inline; width: auto; text-align: right; } name = Format Number API description = This module provides a method to configure number formats (site default and user defined) with configurable decimal point and thousand separators. It also exposes several functions that can be used by other…
format_number.install format_number.install Module installation/uninstallation hooks.
format_number.module format_number.module This module provides a method to configure number formats (site default and user defined) with configurable decimal point and thousand separators. It also exposes several functions that can be used by other contributed or custom modules to display… Implement module settings and user settings forms.
README.txt README.txt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Format Number module for Drupal ;; ;; Original author: markus_petrux at (October…

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