class FormAssemblyRequest in FormAssembly 7
@file Authorizes the current site and handles API requests to FormAssembly.
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FormAssemblyRequest.php, line 7 - Authorizes the current site and handles API requests to FormAssembly.
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class FormAssemblyRequest {
private $apiHost;
private $clientId;
private $clientSecret;
private $authEndpoint = 'oauth/login';
private $tokenEndpoint = 'oauth/access_token';
private $authCallback = 'admin/config/services/formassembly/authorize';
private $returnUrl;
private $token;
private $forms = array();
private $page = 1;
private $last_hash = NULL;
private $current_hash = NULL;
private $responses = array();
* Initialize a new FormAssemblyRequest object.
* @param string $client_id
* The client ID required for authentication.
* @param string $client_secret
* The client secret required for authentication.
* @param string $endpoint
* The url of the api endpoint.
public function __construct($client_id, $client_secret = '', $endpoint = '') {
global $base_url;
$api_mode = variable_get('formassembly_endpoint', FALSE);
if ($api_mode) {
switch ($api_mode) {
case 'dev':
$this->apiHost = '';
case 'pro':
$this->apiHost = '';
case 'ent':
$this->apiHost = 'https://' . variable_get('formassembly_instance') . '';
$this->clientId = $client_id;
$this->clientSecret = $client_secret;
$this->authCallback = 'admin/config/services/formassembly/authorize';
$this->returnUrl = $base_url . '/' . $this->authCallback;
else {
watchdog('FormAssembly', 'Connection Failure: API Endpoint must be configured', WATCHDOG_ERROR);
* Redirect the user so to authorize the application using OAuth2.0.
* @return bool|mixed
* Returns an access token if the user has already authorized.
public function authorize() {
$token = $this
if ($token) {
return $token;
$params = array(
'type' => 'web',
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'redirect_uri' => $this->returnUrl,
'response_type' => 'code',
$auth_uri = $this->apiHost . '/' . $this->authEndpoint . '?' . drupal_http_build_query($params);
return NULL;
* Retrieve an active access_token from the database or request a new one.
* @param string $code
* A hash passed into $_GET['code'] after the user has been redirected back
* from the auth portal. Needed for new token requests.
* @return bool|null
* An access token if available or FALSE if something has gone wrong.
public function getToken($code = '') {
// Retrieve a previously generated token.
$token = variable_get('formassembly_oauth_access_token', '');
if (!empty($token)) {
return $token;
// Something went wrong - maybe they ended up at this page by accident?
if (empty($code)) {
return FALSE;
// Prepare to request a new access_token.
$data = array(
"grant_type" => "authorization_code",
"type" => "web_server",
"client_id" => $this->clientId,
"client_secret" => $this->clientSecret,
"redirect_uri" => $this->returnUrl,
"code" => $code,
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->apiHost . '/' . $this->tokenEndpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$response = json_decode($response);
if (isset($response->access_token)) {
variable_set('formassembly_oauth_access_token', $this->token);
return $this->token;
watchdog('formassembly', 'Could not retrieve access token.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;
* Request all form data from FormAssembly and perform CRUD ops as needed.
public function syncForms() {
$forms_by_faid = array();
$fa_form_controller = entity_get_controller('fa_form');
foreach ($this->forms as $form_item) {
$forms_by_faid[$form_item['Form']['id']] = array(
'faid' => $form_item['Form']['id'],
'name' => filter_xss(decode_entities($form_item['Form']['name'])),
'modified' => date('U', strtotime($form_item['Form']['modified'])),
// Update forms that have changed since the last sync.
foreach ($forms_by_faid as $form_data) {
// Load an existing fa_id entity if one matches $form_data->id or
// create a new entity otherwise.
$fa_form_search = $fa_form_controller
'faid' => $form_data['faid'],
// The search returns data as an array keyed by eid or an empty array if
// no match. There should only be one item - faid is a unique key so pop
// the first item off the array or we get NULL if the array was empty...
$found_form = array_shift($fa_form_search);
if ($found_form != NULL) {
// Update forms that have changed since the last sync.
if ($found_form
->getModified() < $form_data['modified']) {
// Update the title and modified date stored.
else {
$new_fa_form = $fa_form_controller
// Now check for fa_forms that are no longer in $forms_by_faid.
// First pull the faids currently stored...
$stored = $fa_form_controller
// Now check those against the faids from the rest request...
foreach ($stored as $record) {
if (!array_key_exists($record->faid, $forms_by_faid)) {
// The faid of the current record is not a key of $forms_by_faid,
// so the form is no longer in FormAssembly.
$eids_to_delete[] = $record->eid;
if (isset($eids_to_delete)) {
watchdog('formassembly', 'Form sync complete.', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
* Set an access token to use in the current request.
* @param string $token
* A valid access_token as returned by FA's API.
public function setToken($token) {
$this->token = $token;
* Get data about available forms. If admin index is in use, get a single page of data.
* @param string $endpoint
* The api endpoint to make the request against.
* @param boolean $is_admin
* Flag indicating if $endpoint is an admin index
* @return array
* An array of objects representing FormAssembly forms.
public function getForms($endpoint = 'api_v1/forms/index.json', $is_admin = FALSE) {
//prepare a processing array for forms
$finished = false;
if ($is_admin) {
$request_uri = $this->apiHost . '/' . $endpoint . '?access_token=' . urlencode($this->token) . '&show=50&page=' . $this->page;
$response = drupal_http_request($request_uri);
// If there's an error message...
if (isset($response->error)) {
throw new Exception($response->error);
// If the response was not an HTTP 200 Success...
if ($response->code != 200) {
throw new Exception($response->status_message);
// If we don't get JSON on the first try there is an error
// on subsequent pages FormAssembly indicates that the last page could be empty
if ($this->page == 1 && !$this
->isJson($response->data)) {
throw new Exception($response->data);
//increment flags
if (!empty($this->current_hash)) {
$this->last_hash = $this->current_hash;
// hash the request so we can easily see if it has changed
$this->current_hash = md5($response->data);
//We store the hashes in the object to keep all the properties of the request together
// but the boolean expression below is easier to read without also checking for empty object properties.
$last_hash = $this->last_hash;
$current_hash = $this->current_hash;
if (!(empty($response->data) || $last_hash === $current_hash)) {
// observed behavior from formassembly is if n pages are needed to iterate the admin index
// page n+1 returns the same response as page n
// but formassembly advises this could change to page n+1 returns empty. Neither of these responses should
// be processed and we are finished.
// Otherwise, process response
$this->responses[] = drupal_json_decode($response->data);
// increment page
else {
$finished = TRUE;
else {
$request_uri = $this->apiHost . '/' . $endpoint . '?access_token=' . urlencode($this->token);
$response = drupal_http_request($request_uri);
// If there's an error message...
if (isset($response->error)) {
throw new Exception($response->error);
// If the response was not an HTTP 200 Success...
if ($response->code != 200) {
throw new Exception($response->status_message);
if (!$this
->isJson($response->data)) {
throw new Exception($response->data);
$this->responses[] = drupal_json_decode($response->data);
$finished = TRUE;
return $finished;
* process responses property into forms array
public function processResponses() {
if (!empty($this->responses)) {
$forms = array();
foreach ($this->responses as $response_array) {
if (!empty($response_array['Forms'])) {
$forms = array_merge($forms, $response_array['Forms']);
if (!empty($response_array['Category'])) {
->extractCategories($forms, $response_array['Category']);
$this->forms = $forms;
* @param array $forms
* the processing array for forms
* @param array $Category
* a Category array - may contain additional Category arrays
public function extractCategories(array &$forms, array $Category) {
foreach ($Category as $formset) {
if (!empty($formset['Category'])) {
->extractCategories($forms, $formset['Category']);
if (!empty($formset['Forms'])) {
$forms = array_merge($forms, $formset['Forms']);
* Retrieve the HTML for a FormAssembly form.
* The FA API recognizes query parameters passed on the rest URL and will
* use them to pre-fill fields in the returned form markup. Here we fold
* in parameters configured via formassembly_form() and expose the hook
* hook_formassembly_form_params_alter(&$params) to allow modules to modify
* the passed parameter list.
* @param $entity
* Entity form object.
* @return string
* HTML representation of the form.
public function getFormMarkup($entity) {
// Add configured query params passed to FA API.
$entity_wrapped = entity_metadata_wrapper('fa_form', $entity);
$query_params = $entity_wrapped->fa_query_params
$params = array();
if (!empty($query_params)) {
$params = unserialize($query_params);
// Expose hook_formassembly_form_params_alter().
drupal_alter('formassembly_form_params', $params);
// Replace any tokens found in the parameter pair values.
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$params[$key] = token_replace($value);
// Make FA rest call and return form markup.
$request_uri = url($this->apiHost . '/rest/forms/view/' . $entity->faid, array(
'query' => $params,
$response = drupal_http_request($request_uri);
return $response->data;
* Retrieve the HTML for a FormAssembly next path using a returned tfa_next value.
* @param string $tfa_next
* The urlencoded parameter from of FormAssembly.
* @return string
* HTML returned by the query
public function getNextForm($tfa_next) {
$query_path = urldecode($tfa_next);
$request_uri = $this->apiHost . '/rest/' . $query_path;
$response = drupal_http_request($request_uri);
return $response->data;
* Retrieve the current request page value.
* @return int
public function getPage() {
return $this->page;
* Helper function check if a string is JSON format.
* @param string $string
* The string to check.
* @return bool
* True if $string is JSON.
protected function isJson($string) {
return json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE;
* Split FormAssembly form HTML into HEAD and BODY markup.
* @param string $markup
* HTML markup.
* @return string[]
* Array with two entries: Body HTML and Head HTML for the form.
public function splitHTML($markup) {
$dom = new DOMDocument();
if (!$dom
->loadHTML($markup)) {
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
watchdog('FormAssembly', 'Form HTML failed to load to split markup. LibXML error message is: ' . $error->message, WATCHDOG_ERROR, NULL);
/** @var DOMElement|bool $body_wrapper_div */
$body_wrapper_div_markup = FALSE;
$div_elements = $dom
// Now, per FormAssembly support, we'll try to find a <div> element with the class name "wFormContainer".
/** @var DOMElement $div */
foreach ($div_elements as $div) {
$class = $div
// If this <div> element's class contains "wFormContainer"
if (stripos($class, 'wFormContainer') !== FALSE) {
$body_wrapper_div_markup = $div->ownerDocument
// If we found the body wrapper div
if ($body_wrapper_div_markup) {
// Split the markup into its Body and Head components.
// Just in case there's another wrapper, we get the HTML before the first
// <div>, which is probably the same <div> we just found.
$head_markup = substr($markup, 0, stripos($markup, '<div'));
// We clean up the Head HTML by removing known useless comments.
$head_markup = str_ireplace('<!-- FORM: HEAD SECTION -->', '', $head_markup);
$head_markup = str_ireplace('<!-- FORM: BODY SECTION -->', '', $head_markup);
$head_markup = trim($head_markup);
$body_markup = $body_wrapper_div_markup;
else {
// Fall back to using the entire markup in the body.
$head_markup = '';
$body_markup = trim($markup);
return array(
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
private | property | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Redirect the user so to authorize the application using OAuth2.0. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | ||
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Retrieve the HTML for a FormAssembly form. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Get data about available forms. If admin index is in use, get a single page of data. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Retrieve the HTML for a FormAssembly next path using a returned tfa_next value. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Retrieve the current request page value. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Retrieve an active access_token from the database or request a new one. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
protected | function | Helper function check if a string is JSON format. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | process responses property into forms array | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Set an access token to use in the current request. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Split FormAssembly form HTML into HEAD and BODY markup. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Request all form data from FormAssembly and perform CRUD ops as needed. | |
FormAssemblyRequest:: |
public | function | Initialize a new FormAssemblyRequest object. |