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class Report in Forena Reports 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Report.php \Drupal\forena\Report


Expanded class hierarchy of Report

4 files declare their use of Report in ./
Common functions used throughout the project but loaded in this file to keep the module file lean.
RendererBase.php in src/Renderer/RendererBase.php
FrxRenderer.php Base class for Frx custom Renderer @author davidmetzler
ReportEditor.php in src/Editor/ReportEditor.php Wrapper XML class for working with DOM object. It provides helper Enter description here ... @author metzlerd
ReportFile.php in src/File/ReportFile.php


src/Report.php, line 15
Basic report provider. Controls the rendering of the report.


View source
class Report {
  public $block_edit_mode = false;
  public $blocks_loaded;
  public $data;
  public $rpt_xml;
  public $fields;
  public $category;
  public $cache;
  public $descriptor;
  public $form;
  public $access;
  public $parameters;
  public $options;
  public $formats;
  public $title;
  public $frx_title;
  public $body;
  public $html;
  public $parameters_form;
  public $skin;
  private $ids;
  private $data_passed = FALSE;
  public $teng;
  public $compareType;

  // Sort compare type
  public $sort;

  // Fields to sort by
  public $parms;
  public $missing_parms = FALSE;
  public $dom;
  public $format;
  public $link_mode = '';
  public $xpathQuery;
  public $frx_attributes = array();

  // Saved attributes from prior call.
  public $file;

  // File handle for the forena code
  public $allowDirectWrite = FALSE;

  //Determine whether we can output directly.
  public $preview_mode = FALSE;

  // This will make the report renderer put in editing controls when TRUE
  public function __construct($xhtml = '', $data = array(), $edit = FALSE) {
    $this->access = array();
    $this->parameters = array();
    $this->options = array();
    $this->teng = new ReportReplacer($this);
    if ($xhtml) {
      $dom = $this->dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

      // Old assumption is an ojbect is a simplexml one
      if (is_object($xhtml)) {
        $xhtml = $xhtml

      // Load document and simplexml representation
      try {
        $success = $dom
      } catch (Exception $e) {
      if (!$success) {
      $this->xpathQuery = new DOMXPath($dom);
        ->setReport($dom, $this->xpathQuery);
  function __destruct() {
    foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
  public function setParameters($parms) {
    $this->data = $parms;
    if ($parms) {
      $this->data_passed = TRUE;

   * Sets the report.
   * @param DOMDocument $dom
  public function setReport(DOMDocument $dom, DOMXPath $xpq, $edit = FALSE) {
    $this->dom = $dom;
    $dom->formatOutput = TRUE;
    $this->xpathQuery = $xpq;
    $rpt_xml = $this->rpt_xml = simplexml_import_dom($this->dom->documentElement);
    $this->missing_parms = FALSE;

    // Load header data
    $this->body = $rpt_xml->body;
    if ($rpt_xml->head) {
      $this->title = (string) $rpt_xml->head->title;
      $nodes = $rpt_xml
      $this->formats = array();
      if ($nodes) {
        foreach ($nodes as $value) {
          $arr = $value
          $this->formats[] = (string) $arr['type'];
      foreach ($rpt_xml->head
        ->children(FRX_NS) as $name => $node) {
        switch ($name) {
          case 'fields':
            $this->fields = $node;
          case 'category':
            $this->category = (string) $node;
          case 'descriptor':
            $this->descriptor = (string) $node;
          case 'options':
            foreach ($node
              ->attributes() as $key => $value) {
              $this->options[$key] = (string) $value;
          case 'cache':
            foreach ($node
              ->attributes() as $key => $value) {
              $this->cache[$key] = (string) $value;
          case 'title':
            $this->frx_title = (string) $node;
          case 'form':
            $this->form = (string) $value;
          case 'parameters':
            foreach ($node
              ->children(FRX_NS) as $key => $node) {
              $parm = array();
              foreach ($node
                ->attributes() as $akey => $attr) {
                $parm[$akey] = (string) $attr;
              $id = $parm['id'];
              $val = isset($parm['value']) ? $parm['value'] : '';
              $parm['value'] = (string) $node ? (string) $node : $val;
              $this->parameters[$id] = $parm;
          case 'data':
            $data = array();
            foreach ($node
              ->attributes() as $key => $value) {
              $data[$key] = (string) $value;
            $data['data'] = $node;
            $this->data[] = $data;
          case 'doctypes':
            $this->doctypes = $value;
      if ($edit) {
      $this->skin = isset($this->options['skin']) ? $this->options['skin'] : @$this->options['form'];

   * Get the data block
   * @param $block
   * @return unknown_type
  public function getData($block, $id = '', $data_uri = '', $raw_mode = FALSE) {
    $data = array();
    if ($data_uri) {
      parse_str($data_uri, $data);
      if (is_array($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
          $data[$key] = $this->teng
            ->replace($value, TRUE);
    $xml = Frx::BlockEditor($block, $this->block_edit_mode)
      ->data($data, $raw_mode);
    if ($xml) {
      $this->blocks_loaded = TRUE;
    return $xml;

   * Collapse the parameters if the data is loaded.
  public function collapseParameters() {
    if (is_array($this->parameters_form) && $this->parameters_form) {
      $form = $this->parameters_form;
      if (isset($form['params']) && @$form['params']['#collapsible']) {
        $this->parameters_form['params']['#collapsed'] = $this->blocks_loaded;
  public function preloadData() {
    $blocks_loaded = $this->blocks_loaded;
    $jsonData = array();
    if ($this->data) {
      foreach ($this->data as $d) {
        if (!empty($d['block'])) {
          $id = @$d['id'];
          $block = $d['block'];
          $parms = @$d['parameters'];
          $raw = !empty($d['json']) || !empty($d['raw_mode']);
          $data = $this
            ->getData($block, $id, $parms, $raw);
          if (@$d['path'] && !$raw && $data) {
            $data = $data
              ->xpath((string) $d['path']);
            if ($data) {
              $data = $data[0];
            ->setContext($id, $data);
          if (!empty($d['json']) && $this->format == 'web') {
            $ret = array();
            if ($data) {
              foreach ($data as $row) {
                $ret[] = $row;
            $jsonData[$d['json']] = $ret;
        else {
          $id = @$d['id'];
          if ($id) {
              ->setContext($id, $d['data']);
    if ($jsonData) {
        'forenaData' => $jsonData,
      ), 'setting');
    $this->blocks_loaded = $blocks_loaded;

   * Render the report
   * @return unknown_type
  public function render($format, $render_form = TRUE, $cache_data = array()) {
    if (!$format) {
      $format = 'web';

    // Only push the parameter conte
      ->push($this->parms, 'parm');
    $this->parameters_form = array();

    // Find the Body of the report.
    $this->format = $format;
    $dom = $this->dom;

    // Trap error condition
    if (!$dom) {
      return '';
    $body = $dom

    // Render the rport.
    $c = Frx::Controls('RendererBase');
      ->initReportNode($body, $this);
    if (!$this->missing_parms) {
        ->renderChildren($body, $this->html);

    if (!$this->parameters_form) {
        'collapsible' => TRUE,
        'collapsed' => $this->blocks_loaded,

    // Determine the correct filter.
    $filter = variable_get('forena_input_format', 'none');
    $skinfo = Frx::Data()
    if (isset($skinfo['input_format'])) {
      $filter = $skinfo['input_format'];
    if (isset($this->options['input_format'])) {
      $filter = $this->options['input_format'];
    if ($filter && $filter != 'none') {
      $this->html = check_markup($this->html, $filter);

    // Default in dynamic title from head.
    if ($this->frx_title) {
      $title = check_plain($this->teng
      if ($title) {
        $title = $this->title = $title;

   * Convert a relative link to appropriately rendered html
   * return html A properly formatted anchor tag
  public function link($title, $path, $options = array()) {

    // check if we have
    $l = '';
    if (strpos($path, ':') === FALSE) {
      switch ($this->link_mode) {
        case 'remove':
          $l = '';
        case 'no-link':
        case 'text':
          $valid = drupal_valid_path($path, FALSE);
          $l = $valid ? l($title, $path, $options) : $title;
        case 'disable':
          $valid = drupal_valid_path($path, FALSE);
          if (!$valid) {
            $options['attributes']['class'][] = 'disabled';
            $l = '<a ' . drupal_attributes($options['attributes']) . '>' . check_plain($title) . '</a>';
          else {
            $l = l($title, $path, $options);
          $l = l($title, $path, $options);
    else {
      $l = l($title, $path, $options);
    return $l;
  public function getField($id) {
    $field = array_fill_keys(array(
    ), '');
    if ($this->fields) {
      $path = 'frx:field[@id="' . $id . '"]';
      $formatters = $this->fields
      if ($formatters) {
        $formatter = $formatters[0];

        //@TODO: Replace the default extraction with something that will get sub elements of the string
        $field['default'] = (string) $formatter;
        $field['link'] = (string) $formatter['link'];
        $field['add-query'] = (string) $formatter['add-query'];
        $field['class'] = (string) $formatter['class'];
        $field['rel'] = (string) $formatter['rel'];
        $field['format'] = (string) $formatter['format'];
        $field['format-string'] = (string) $formatter['format-string'];
        $field['target'] = (string) $formatter['target'];
        $field['calc'] = (string) $formatter['calc'];
    return $field;

   * Formatter used by the syntax engine to alter data that gets extracted.
   * This invokes the field translation
  public function format($value, $key, $raw = FALSE) {

    // Determine if there is a field overide entry
    $default = '';
    $link = '';
    $format = '';
    $format_str = '';
    $target = '';
    $class = '';
    $rel = '';
    $calc = '';
    if ($this->fields) {
      $path = 'frx:field[@id="' . $key . '"]';
      $formatters = $this->fields
      if ($formatters) {
        foreach ($formatters as $formatter) {
          if (isset($formatter['block']) && (string) $formatter['block'] == $this->block || !(string) $formatter['block']) {

            //@TODO: Replace the default extraction with something that will get sub elements of the string
            $default = (string) $formatter;
            $link = (string) $formatter['link'];
            $add_query = (string) $formatter['add-query'];
            $class = (string) $formatter['class'];
            $rel = (string) $formatter['rel'];
            $format = (string) $formatter['format'];
            $calc = (string) $formatter['calc'];
            $context = (string) $formatter['context'];
            $format_str = (string) $formatter['format-string'];
            $target = (string) $formatter['target'];

    // Evaluate any calculations first.
    if ($calc) {
      if ($context) {
        $context .= ".";
      $calc = $this->teng
      if ($calc) {
        $value = $this->teng
          ->replace('{' . $context . '=' . $calc . '}', TRUE);
    if ($format && !$raw) {
      $value = Frx::format($value, $format, $format_str, $this->teng, $default);
      $value = trim($value);
    if (is_array($value) && !$raw) {
      $value = implode(' ', $value);

    // Default if specified
    if (!$value && $default) {
      $value = $default;
    if ($link && !$raw) {
      $attributes = array();
      $target = $this->teng
        ->replace($target, TRUE);

      // use the target attribute to open links in new tabs or as popups.
      if (@strpos(strtolower($target), 'popup') === 0) {
        $options = "status=1";
        $attributes = array(
          'onclick' => ', \'' . $target . '\', "' . $options . '"); return false;',
      else {
        if ($target) {
          $attributes['target'] = $target;

      // Adding support for ctools modals.
      if ($link && strpos($class, 'ctools-use-modal') !== FALSE && is_callable('ctools_include')) {
      if ($rel) {
        $attributes['rel'] = $this->teng
          ->replace($rel, TRUE);
      if ($class) {
        $attributes['class'] = explode(' ', trim($this->teng
          ->replace($class, TRUE)));
      @(list($url, $query) = explode('?', $link));
      $url = $this->teng
        ->replace($url, TRUE);
      @(list($query, $queryFrag) = explode('#', $query));
      @(list($url, $fragment) = explode('#', $url));
      $fragment = $fragment . $queryFrag;
      $data = array();
      parse_str($query, $data);
      if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
          $data[$k] = $this->teng
            ->replace($v, TRUE);
      if ($add_query) {
        $parms = $_GET;
        $data = array_merge($parms, $data);
      if (trim($url)) {
        $value = $this
          ->link(htmlspecialchars_decode($value), $url, array(
          'fragment' => $fragment,
          'query' => $data,
          'attributes' => $attributes,
          'absolute' => TRUE,
    if ($this->preview_mode && !$raw) {
      $value .= Frx::Editor()
        ->fieldLink($key, $value);
    return $value;

   * Delete a node based on id
   * @param unknown_type $id
   * @return unknown_type
  public function deleteNode($id) {
    $path = 'body//*[@id="' . $id . '"]';
    $nodes = $this->rpt_xml
    if ($nodes) {
      $node = $nodes[0];
      $dom = dom_import_simplexml($node);

   * Return the xml data for the report.
   * @return unknown
  public function asXML() {
    $dom = $this->dom;
    $dom->formatOutput = TRUE;
    return $this->doc_prefix . $this->dom

   * Make sure all xml elements have ids
  public function parse_ids() {
    $i = 0;
    if ($this->rpt_xml) {
        ->registerXPathNamespace('frx', FRX_NS);
      $frx_attributes = array();
      $frx_nodes = $this->rpt_xml
      if ($frx_nodes) {
        foreach ($frx_nodes as $node) {
          $attr_nodes = $node
          if ($attr_nodes) {

            // Make sure every element has an id
            $id = 'forena-' . $i;
            if (!isset($node['id'])) {
                ->addAttribute('id', $id);
            else {
              if (strpos((string) $node['id'], 'forena-') === 0) {

                // Reset the id to the numerically generated one
                $node['id'] = $id;
              else {

                // Use the id of the element
                $id = (string) $node['id'];

            // Save away the frx attributes in case we need them later.
            $attr_nodes = $node
            $attrs = array();
            if ($attr_nodes) {
              foreach ($attr_nodes as $key => $value) {
                $attrs[$key] = (string) $value;

            // Save away the attributes
            $frx_attributes[$id] = $attrs;
      $this->frx_attributes = $frx_attributes;

   * Get the attributes by
   * @return array Attributes
   * This function will return an array for all of the frx attributes defined in the report body
   * These attributes can be saved away and added back in later using.
  public function get_attributes_by_id() {
    return $this->frx_attributes;

   * Save attributes based on id match
   * @param array $attributes
   * The attributes array should be of the form
   * array( element_id => array( key1 => value1, key2 => value2)
   * The function restores the attributes based on the element id.
  public function save_attributes_by_id() {
    $attributes = $this->frx_attributes;
    $rpt_xml = $this->rpt_xml;
    if ($attributes) {
      foreach ($attributes as $id => $att_list) {
        $id_search_path = 'body//*[@id="' . $id . '"]';
        $fnd = $rpt_xml
        if ($fnd) {
          $node = $fnd[0];

          // Start attribute replacement
          $frx_attributes = $node
          foreach ($att_list as $key => $value) {
            if (!$frx_attributes[$key]) {
              $node['frx:' . $key] = $value;
            else {
              $node['frx:' . $key] = $value;

   * Set the value of an element within the report
   * @param String $xpath Xpath to element being saved
   * @param string $value Value to be saved.
   * @return unknown_type
  public function set_value($xpath, $value) {
    $xml = $this->rpt_xml;
    $i = strrpos($xpath, '/');
    $path = substr($xpath, 0, $i);
    $key = substr($xpath, $i + 1);
    $nodes = $xml
    if ($nodes) {

      // if the last part of the xpath is a key then assume the key
      if (strpos($key, '@') === 0) {
        $key = trim($key, '@');
        if (is_null($value)) {
        else {
          $nodes[0][$key] = $value;
      else {
        if (is_null($value)) {
        else {
          $nodes[0]->{$key} = $value;

   * Default the parameters ba
   * @param $parms Array of parameters.
   * @return boolean indicating whether the required parameters are present.
  public function processParameters($parms = NULL) {
    if ($parms == NULL) {
      $parms = $this->parms;
    else {
      $this->parms = $parms;
    $missing_parms = FALSE;
    foreach ($this->parameters as $key => $parm) {
      if ((@$parms[$key] === '' || @$parms[$key] === array() || @$parms[$key] === NULL) && @$parm['value']) {
        $value = $parm['value'];
        $options = array();
        if (@$parm['options']) {
          parse_str($parm['options'], $options);
        switch ((string) @$parm['type']) {
          case 'date_text':
          case 'date_popup':
          case 'date_select':
            if ($value) {
              $date_format = @$options['date_format'] ? $options['date_format'] : 'Y-m-d';
              $datetime = @strtotime($value);
              if ($datetime) {
                $value = date($date_format, $datetime);
            if (strpos($value, '|') !== FALSE) {
              $value = explode('|', $value);
        $parms[$key] = $value;
        $reload_params = TRUE;

      //do not show report if a required parameter does not have a value

      //force the user to input a parameter
      if (@(!$parms[$key]) && @strcmp($parm['require'], "1") == 0) {
        $missing_parms = TRUE;
    $this->parms = $parms;
    return $missing_parms;
  public function parametersArray() {
    $parameters = array();
    $head = $this->rpt_xml->head;
    $nodes = $head
    if ($nodes) {
      foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $parm_def = array();
        $parm_def['default'] = (string) $node;
        foreach ($node
          ->attributes() as $key => $value) {
          $parm_def[$key] = (string) $value;
        $id = @$parm_def['id'];
        $parameters[$id] = $parm_def;
    return $parameters;
  public function parametersForm($variables = array()) {
    $parms = $this
    $form = drupal_get_form('forena_parameter_form', $parms, $variables);
    $this->parameters_form = $form;
    return $form;
  public function setSort($sort, $compare_type = '') {
    if (!$compare_type) {
      if (defined(SORT_NATURAL)) {
        $compare_type = SORT_NATURAL;
    else {
      if (is_string($compare_type)) {
        if (defined($compare_type)) {
          $compare_type = constant($compare_type);
        else {
          $compare_type = SORT_REGULAR;
    $this->compareType = $compare_type;

    // Assume an array of sort algorithms
    if (is_array($sort)) {
      $this->sortCriteria = $sort;
    else {
      $this->sortCriteria = (array) $sort;

   * Comparison fucntion for user defined sorts.
  public function compareFunction($a, $b) {
    $c = 0;
    foreach ($this->sortCriteria as $sort) {

      //Get a value
        ->push($a, '_sort');
      $va = $this->teng
        ->push($b, '_sort');
      $vb = $this->teng
      switch ($this->compareType) {
        case SORT_REGULAR:
          $c = $c = $va < $vb ? -1 : ($va == $vb ? 0 : 1);
        case SORT_NUMERIC:
          $va = floatval($va);
          $vb = floatval($vb);
          $c = $c = $va < $vb ? -1 : ($va == $vb ? 0 : 1);
        case SORT_STRING:
          $c = strcasecmp($va, $vb);
        case SORT_NATURAL:
          $c = strnatcasecmp($va, $vb);
          $c = $c = $va < $vb ? -1 : ($va == $vb ? 0 : 1);
      if ($c !== 0) {
    return $c;

   * Sort the current data context if it is an array.
   * @param $teng Token replacement engine to use for sort
   * @param unknown $sort
   * @param string $compare_type
  public function sort(&$data, $sort, $compare_type = '') {
      ->setSort($sort, $compare_type);
    if (is_array($data)) {
      uasort($data, array(

   * Iterate the data based on the provided path.
   * @param $path xpath to iterate xml on
   * @param $group grouping value
   * @param $sort Sort criteria
  public function group($data, $group = '', $sums = array()) {
    $rows = array();
    $totals = array();
    if (is_array($group)) {
      $group = implode(' ', $group);
    $group = (string) $group;
    if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) {
      foreach ($data as $row) {
          ->push($row, '_group');
        $gval = $this->teng
          ->replace($group, TRUE);
        foreach ($sums as $sum_col) {
          $sval = $this->teng
            ->replace($sum_col, FALSE);
          $skey = trim($sum_col, '{}');
          $totals[$gval][$skey] = isset($totals[$gval][$skey]) ? $totals[$gval][$skey] + $sval : (double) $sval;
        $rows[$gval][] = $row;
    foreach ($totals as $gval => $col) {
      foreach ($col as $skey => $total) {
        $tkey = $skey . '_total';
        $rows[$gval][0]->{$tkey} = (string) $total;
    return $rows;
  public function writeBuffer() {
    if ($this->allowDirectWrite) {
      if ($this->file) {
        fwrite($this->file, $this->html);
        $this->html = '';

   * Perform token replacement on a string in this report.
   * @param $value
   * @param $raw
  public function replace($value, $raw = FALSE) {
    return $this->teng
      ->replace($value, $raw);

   * Perform a test on a condition using token replacement enging.
   * @param $condition
   * @return bool|mixed
  public function test($condition) {
    return $this->teng



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Report::$access public property
Report::$allowDirectWrite public property
Report::$blocks_loaded public property
Report::$block_edit_mode public property
Report::$body public property
Report::$cache public property
Report::$category public property
Report::$compareType public property
Report::$data public property
Report::$data_passed private property
Report::$descriptor public property
Report::$dom public property
Report::$fields public property
Report::$file public property
Report::$form public property
Report::$format public property
Report::$formats public property
Report::$frx_attributes public property
Report::$frx_title public property
Report::$html public property
Report::$ids private property
Report::$link_mode public property
Report::$missing_parms public property
Report::$options public property
Report::$parameters public property
Report::$parameters_form public property
Report::$parms public property
Report::$preview_mode public property
Report::$rpt_xml public property
Report::$skin public property
Report::$sort public property
Report::$teng public property
Report::$title public property
Report::$xpathQuery public property
Report::asXML public function Return the xml data for the report.
Report::collapseParameters public function Collapse the parameters if the data is loaded.
Report::compareFunction public function Comparison fucntion for user defined sorts.
Report::deleteNode public function Delete a node based on id
Report::format public function
Report::getData public function Get the data block
Report::getField public function
Report::get_attributes_by_id public function Get the attributes by
Report::group public function Iterate the data based on the provided path.
Report::link public function Convert a relative link to appropriately rendered html return html A properly formatted anchor tag
Report::parametersArray public function
Report::parametersForm public function
Report::parse_ids public function Make sure all xml elements have ids
Report::preloadData public function
Report::processParameters public function Default the parameters ba
Report::render public function Render the report
Report::replace public function Perform token replacement on a string in this report.
Report::save_attributes_by_id public function Save attributes based on id match
Report::setParameters public function
Report::setReport public function Sets the report.
Report::setSort public function
Report::set_value public function Set the value of an element within the report
Report::sort public function Sort the current data context if it is an array.
Report::test public function Perform a test on a condition using token replacement enging.
Report::writeBuffer public function
Report::__construct public function
Report::__destruct function