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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Forena Reports 7.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FrxTable class templates/
FrxTemplate class templates/ @file FrxTemplate Base Class for all tmeplates. By default simply renders a document with all the possible tokens in it. @author davidmetzler 5
FrxTitle class renderers/ @file Implements a title renderer @author metzlerd
FrxWebDoc class docformats/ @file Standard web document manager @author metzlerd
FrxWordDoc class docformats/ @file Word document exporter. @author davidmetzler
FrxXLSDoc class docformats/ @file Excel Document export. @author davidmetzler
FrxXML class renderers/ @file FrxXML Just render the XML source data. Look at the FrxRender class to see a full list of properties that can be used here.
FrxXMLDoc class docformats/ @file FrxHtmlDoc Straight XML document with no wrapping theme. @author davidmetzler


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