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function footnotes_requirements in Footnotes 8.2

Implements hook_requirements().


./footnotes.install, line 11
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Footnotes module.


function footnotes_requirements($phase) {
  if ($phase != 'runtime') {
    return [];

  // Check if fakeobjects module is enabled and properly configured.
  $fakeobjects_exist = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
  if ($fakeobjects_exist) {
    $fakeobjects_requirements = fakeobjects_requirements($phase);
    if ($fakeobjects_requirements['fakeobjects']['severity'] === REQUIREMENT_OK) {
      $requirements['footnotes'] = [
        'title' => t('Footnotes'),
        'value' => t('Footnotes requirements are OK.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
    else {
      $requirements['footnotes'] = [
        'title' => t('Footnotes'),
        'value' => t('Footnotes requirements are not properly configured. Please check Fakeobjects module requirements.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  else {
    $requirements['footnotes'] = [
      'title' => t('Footnotes'),
      'value' => t("<a href=':href'>Fakeobjects module</a> isn't installed/enabled.", [
        ':href' => '',
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'description' => t('Footnotes module has a dependency on Fakeobjects module. Ensure that Fakeobjects module is enabled and configured.'),
  return $requirements;