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function template_preprocess_footermap_item in footermap: a footer site map 8

Template Preprocess Footermap Item.


array &$variables: An associative array with the following keys:

  • title: The menu link title.
  • url: The menu link url object.
  • attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the list item element.
  • children: (optional) Array of menu children.


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Footermap theme and preprocess implementation.


function template_preprocess_footermap_item(array &$variables) {
  $variables['attributes'] = new Attribute($variables['attributes']);
  $variables['has_children'] = !empty($variables['children']);
  $link_attributes = [];
  $options = $variables['url']
  if (isset($options['attributes'])) {
    $link_attributes = $options['attributes'];
  $variables['link_attributes'] = new Attribute($link_attributes);
  if ($variables['has_children']) {
    uasort($variables['children'], [