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function footable_breakpoint_save in FooTable 7.2

Save a breakpoint.


object $breakpoint: FooTable breakpoint object to save to the database. A new breakpoint will be created if $breakpoint->is_new is set to TRUE, otherwise the breakpoint will be updated.

Return value

bool|int If the record insert or update failed, returns FALSE. If it succeeded, returns SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED, depending on the operation performed.

1 call to footable_breakpoint_save()
footable_update_7201 in ./footable.install
Add the 7-x.1.x breakpoints to provide backwards compatibility with the 7.x-1.x version.


./footable.module, line 451
Provides Views integration for the jQuery FooTable plugin.


function footable_breakpoint_save($breakpoint) {
  if (!isset($breakpoint->is_new)) {
    $breakpoint->is_new = empty($breakpoint->id);
  $update = !empty($breakpoint->is_new) || !empty($breakpoint->in_code_only) ? array() : 'machine_name';
  $result = drupal_write_record('footable_breakpoint', $breakpoint, $update);
  return $result;