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font.html.twig in @font-your-face 8.3

font.html.twig Default theme implementation to present Font data.

This template is used when viewing Font pages.

Available variables:

  • content: A list of content items. Use 'content' to print all content, or
  • attributes: HTML attributes for the container element.


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file font.html.twig
  4. * Default theme implementation to present Font data.
  5. *
  6. * This template is used when viewing Font pages.
  7. *
  8. *
  9. * Available variables:
  10. * - content: A list of content items. Use 'content' to print all content, or
  11. * - attributes: HTML attributes for the container element.
  12. *
  13. * @see template_preprocess_font()
  14. *
  15. * @ingroup themeable
  16. */
  17. #}
  18. <div{{ attributes.addClass('font') }}>
  19. {% if font_style %}
  20. <div>If you wish to use the font in your theme / css file, use:</div>
  21. <code>
  22. {{- font_style }}
  23. </code>
  24. {% endif %}
  25. <details open>
  26. <summary>Details</summary>
  27. <div class="details-wrapper">
  28. {% if content %}
  29. {{- content -}}
  30. {% endif %}
  31. </div>
  32. </details>
  33. <detail open>
  34. <summary>Preview</summary>
  35. <div class="fontyourface-preview" style="{{- font_style_inline }}">
  36. <h1>h1. This is a very large header.</h1>
  37. <h2>h2. This is a large header.</h2>
  38. <h3>h3. This is a medium header.</h3>
  39. <h4>h4. This is a moderate header.</h4>
  40. <h5>h5. This is a small header.</h5>
  41. <h6>h6. This is a tiny header.</h6>
  42. <br>
  43. <h1 class="subheader">h1. subheader</h1>
  44. <h2 class="subheader">h2. subheader</h2>
  45. <h3 class="subheader">h3. subheader</h3>
  46. <h4 class="subheader">h4. subheader</h4>
  47. <h5 class="subheader">h5. subheader</h5>
  48. <h6 class="subheader">h6. subheader</h6>
  49. <hr>
  50. <h3>Definition List</h3>
  51. <h5>Definition lists are great for small block of copy that describe the header</h5>
  52. <dl>
  53. <dt>Lower cost</dt>
  54. <dd>The new version of this product costs significantly less than the previous one!</dd>
  55. <dt>Easier to use</dt>
  56. <dd>We've changed the product so that it's much easier to use!</dd>
  57. <dt>Safe for kids</dt>
  58. <dd>You can leave your kids alone in a room with this product and they won't get hurt (not a guarantee).</dd>
  59. </dl>
  60. <hr>
  61. <h5>Un-ordered lists are great for making quick outlines bulleted.</h5>
  62. <ul class="disc">
  63. <li>List item with a much longer description or more content.</li>
  64. <li>List item</li>
  65. <li>List item
  66. <ul>
  67. <li>Nested List Item</li>
  68. <li>Nested List Item</li>
  69. <li>Nested List Item</li>
  70. </ul>
  71. </li>
  72. <li>List item</li>
  73. <li>List item</li>
  74. <li>List item</li>
  75. </ul>
  76. <h5>Ordered lists are great for lists that need order, duh.</h5>
  77. <ol>
  78. <li>List Item 1</li>
  79. <li>List Item 2</li>
  80. <li>List Item 3</li>
  81. </ol>
  82. <br>
  83. <h5>Blockquote</h5>
  84. <blockquote>I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.<cite>Isaac Asimov</cite></blockquote>
  85. <br>
  86. <h5>Vcard</h5>
  87. <ul class="vcard">
  88. <li class="fn">Gaius Baltar</li>
  89. <li class="street-address">123 Colonial Ave.</li>
  90. <li class="locality">Caprica City</li>
  91. <li><span class="state">Caprica</span>, <span class="zip">12345</span></li>
  92. <li class="email"><a href="#"></a></li>
  93. </ul>
  94. </div>
  95. </detail>
  96. </div>