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function local_fonts_add_fontface_submit in @font-your-face 6.2

Implementation of hook_form_submit().


modules/local_fonts/local_fonts.module, line 225


function local_fonts_add_fontface_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $values = $form_state['values'];
  $font_path = strtr(preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9]+#', ' ', $values['css_family']), ' ', '_') . '-' . $values['css_style'] . '-' . $values['css_weight'];
  $font_family = $values['css_family'];
  $font_style = $values['css_style'];
  $font_weight = $values['css_weight'];
  $local_fonts_directory = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/' . file_directory_path() . '/fontyourface/local_fonts';
  $destination_directory = $local_fonts_directory . '/' . $font_path;
  $destination_css_file = $destination_directory . '/stylesheet.css';
  $css_path = file_directory_path() . '/fontyourface/local_fonts/' . $font_path . '/stylesheet.css';
  $files = $_FILES['files']['name'];
  $combined_sources = array();
  $src = '';
  if (file_check_directory($local_fonts_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && file_check_directory($destination_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
    foreach ($files as $key => $filename) {
      $format = $key;

      // Everything but TTF matches the extension.
      if ($format == 'ttf') {
        $format = 'truetype';

      // if
      if (!empty($filename)) {
        if ($file = file_save_upload($key, array(), $destination_directory . '/' . $filename . '.tmp', FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {

          // Copy the temporary file to permanent location.
          if (file_copy($file, $destination_directory . '/' . $filename, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
            file_set_status($file, FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT);
            if ($format == 'eot') {

              // EOT goes on its own line and doesn't take a format.
              // Because IE is a "special needs" browser.
              $src .= '  src: url("' . $file->filename . '");' . "\n";
            elseif ($format == 'svg') {

              // Get the font ID from the SVG file.
              $svg = file_get_contents($file->filepath);
              $hash = '';
              if (preg_match('#<font([^>]+)>#i', $svg, $font_tag_match)) {
                if (preg_match('#id="([^"]+)"#i', $font_tag_match[1], $id_match)) {
                  $hash = $id_match[1];
                elseif (preg_match("#id='([^']+)'#i", $font_tag_match[1], $id_match)) {
                  $hash = $id_match[1];

                // elseif

              // if
              $url = $file->filename . '#' . $hash;
              $combined_sources[] = 'url("' . $url . '") format("' . $format . '")';
            else {
              $combined_sources[] = 'url("' . $file->filename . '") format("' . $format . '")';

            // else

          // if

        // if

      // if

    // foreach
    if (count($combined_sources) > 0) {

      // Add a fake local font name first to prevent name conflicts with local fonts.
      $src .= '' . implode(', ', $combined_sources) . ';' . "\n";

    // if
    $generated_css = '@font-face {' . "\n";
    $generated_css .= "  font-family: '" . $font_family . "';" . "\n";
    $generated_css .= $src;
    $generated_css .= '  font-style: ' . $font_style . ';' . "\n";
    $generated_css .= '  font-weight: ' . $font_weight . ';' . "\n";
    $generated_css .= '}' . "\n";
    $css_file = file_save_data($generated_css, $destination_css_file);
    $local_font = new stdClass();
    $local_font->name = $font_family . ' ' . $font_style . ' ' . $font_weight;
    $local_font->url = 'http://localhost/#' . md5($local_font->name);
    $local_font->css_family = "'" . $font_family . "'";
    $local_font->css_style = $font_style;
    $local_font->css_weight = $font_weight;
    $local_font->provider = 'local_fonts';
    $local_font->metadata = serialize(array(
      'path' => $css_path,
    drupal_set_message(t('@font added.', array(
      '@font' => $font_family,

  // if