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function fontyourface_log in @font-your-face 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 fontyourface.module \fontyourface_log()

Logs to watchdog if logging is enabled.


string $message: Log message. This should be a literal string; see for more details.

array $arguments: Arguments to replace placeholders, if there are any, in $message.

2 calls to fontyourface_log()
fontsquirrel_api_get_font_family_info in modules/fontsquirrel_api/fontsquirrel_api.module
Get font family information from Font Squirrel.
_fontsquirrel_api_get_fonts_from_api in modules/fontsquirrel_api/fontsquirrel_api.module
Retrieves fonts from api and parses them for consumption.


./fontyourface.module, line 401
Contains fontyourface.module..


function fontyourface_log($message, array $arguments) {
  $config = \Drupal::config('fontyourface.settings');
  if ($config
    ->get('fontyourface_detailed_logging')) {
    watchdog('@font-your-face', $message, $arguments, WATCHDOG_INFO);