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function fontyourface_features_export_options in @font-your-face 7.2

Implements hook_features_export_options. [component_hook]

This hook will alert features of which specific items of this component may be exported. For instances, in this case, we want to make available all the existing items. If there are no items to be exported, this component will not be made available in the features export page.

Return value

array A keyed array of items, suitable for use with a FormAPI select or checkboxes element.


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Integrates Features for @font-your-face.


function fontyourface_features_export_options() {
  $fonts = array();
  foreach (fontyourface_get_fonts('enabled = 1') as $font) {
    $fonts[$font->name] = $font->name;
  return $fonts;