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7 uses of FOCAL_POINT_DEFAULT in Focal Point 7

focal_point_file_load in ./focal_point.module
Implements hook_file_load().
focal_point_parse in ./focal_point.module
Parse the string representation of the focal point into an array.
focal_point_preprocess_image_widget in ./focal_point.module
Implements template_preprocess_image_widget().
focal_point_test_drive_form in ./
Form builder for the "test drive" page.
focal_point_test_drive_form_submit in ./
Form submit handler for focal_point_test_drive_form().
_focal_point_guess_default in ./focal_point.module
Make a best guess for the initial value of the focal point of the given file.
_focal_point_preview_link in ./focal_point.module
Build a render array for the preview link.