Adapter |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Annotation |
src/Annotation/Adapter.php |
Defines a Flysystem adapter plguin. |
AssetDumper |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Asset |
src/Asset/AssetDumper.php |
Flysystem dependency injection container. |
2 |
CacheItem |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter |
src/Flysystem/Adapter/CacheItem.php |
A filesystem item stored in the Drupal cache. |
2 |
CacheItemBackend |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter |
src/Flysystem/Adapter/CacheItemBackend.php |
Storage backend for cache items. |
3 |
CacheItemBackendTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem\Adapter |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/Adapter/CacheItemBackendTest.php |
@group flysystem |
CacheItemTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem\Adapter |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/Adapter/CacheItemTest.php |
Tests \Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter\CacheItem. |
ConfigForm |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Form |
src/Form/ConfigForm.php |
Configure file system settings for this site. |
1 |
1 |
ConfigFormTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Form |
tests/src/Unit/Form/ConfigFormTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Form\ConfigForm
@group flysystem |
Convert |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Logger |
src/Logger/Convert.php |
Converts various log levels. |
2 |
ConvertTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Logger |
tests/src/Unit/Logger/ConvertTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Logger\Convert
@group flysystem |
CssCollectionOptimizer |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Asset |
src/Asset/CssCollectionOptimizer.php |
Optimizes CSS assets. |
2 |
CssOptimizer |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Asset |
src/Asset/CssOptimizer.php |
Changes Drupal\Core\Asset\CssOptimizer to not remove absolute URLs. |
1 |
DrupalCacheAdapter |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter |
src/Flysystem/Adapter/DrupalCacheAdapter.php |
A Flysystem adapter implementing caching with Drupal's Cache API. |
3 |
DrupalCacheAdapterTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem\Adapter |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/Adapter/DrupalCacheAdapterTest.php |
Test the Drupal Cache Adapter. |
EnsureEvent |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Event |
src/Event/EnsureEvent.php |
The event fired for every result from an ensure() call. |
4 |
EnsureEventTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Event |
tests/src/Unit/Event/EnsureEventTest.php |
Tests EnsureEvent. |
EnsureSubscriber |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\EventSubscriber |
src/EventSubscriber/EnsureSubscriber.php |
Event listener that listens to Flysystem ensure() calls. |
1 |
2 |
EnsureSubscriberTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\EventSubscriber |
tests/src/Unit/EventSubscriber/EnsureSubscriberTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\EventSubscriber\EnsureSubscriber
@covers \Drupal\flysystem\EventSubscriber\EnsureSubscriber |
FlysystemBridge |
class |
Drupal\flysystem |
src/FlysystemBridge.php |
An adapter for Flysystem to StreamWrapperInterface. |
2 |
FlysystemBridgeTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit |
tests/src/Unit/FlysystemBridgeTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\FlysystemBridge
@group flysystem |
FlysystemEvents |
final class |
Drupal\flysystem\Event |
src/Event/FlysystemEvents.php |
Defines events for the Flysystem module. |
3 |
FlysystemFactory |
class |
Drupal\flysystem |
src/FlysystemFactory.php |
A factory for Flysystem filesystems. |
8 |
2 |
FlysystemFactoryTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit |
tests/src/Unit/FlysystemFactoryTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\FlysystemFactory
@group flysystem |
FlysystemPathProcessor |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\PathProcessor |
src/PathProcessor/FlysystemPathProcessor.php |
Defines a path processor to rewrite Flysystem URLs. |
1 |
2 |
FlysystemPathProcessorTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\PathProcessor |
tests/src/Unit/PathProcessor/FlysystemPathProcessorTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\PathProcessor\FlysystemPathProcessor
@group flysystem |
FlysystemPluginInterface |
interface |
Drupal\flysystem\Plugin |
src/Plugin/FlysystemPluginInterface.php |
3 |
4 |
FlysystemPluginManager |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Plugin |
src/Plugin/FlysystemPluginManager.php |
Manages Flysystem plugins. |
1 |
2 |
FlysystemPluginManagerTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Plugin |
tests/src/Unit/Plugin/FlysystemPluginManagerTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Plugin\FlysystemPluginManager
@group flysystem |
FlysystemRoutes |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Routing |
src/Routing/FlysystemRoutes.php |
Defines a route subscriber to register a url for serving image styles. |
1 |
FlysystemRoutesTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Routing |
tests/src/Unit/Routing/FlysystemRoutesTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Routing\FlysystemRoutes
@group flysystem |
FlysystemServiceProvider |
class |
Drupal\flysystem |
src/FlysystemServiceProvider.php |
Flysystem dependency injection container. |
1 |
FlysystemServiceProviderTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit |
tests/src/Unit/FlysystemServiceProviderTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\FlysystemServiceProvider
@group flysystem |
FlysystemUrlTrait |
trait |
Drupal\flysystem\Plugin |
src/Plugin/FlysystemUrlTrait.php |
Helper trait for generating URLs from adapter plugins. |
3 |
FlysystemUrlTraitTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Plugin |
tests/src/Unit/Plugin/FlysystemUrlTraitTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Plugin\FlysystemUrlTrait
@group flysystem |
Ftp |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem |
src/Flysystem/Ftp.php |
Drupal plugin for the "FTP" Flysystem adapter. |
1 |
FtpTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/FtpTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Ftp
@group flysystem |
ImageStyleGenerationTrait |
trait |
Drupal\flysystem\Plugin |
src/Plugin/ImageStyleGenerationTrait.php |
Helper trait for generating URLs from adapter plugins. |
1 |
ImageStyleGenerationTraitTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Plugin |
tests/src/Unit/Plugin/ImageStyleGenerationTraitTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Plugin\ImageStyleGenerationTrait
@group flysystem |
InstallFunctionsTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit |
tests/src/Unit/InstallFunctionsTest.php |
Tests flysystem.install functions. |
JsCollectionOptimizer |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Asset |
src/Asset/JsCollectionOptimizer.php |
Optimizes JavaScript assets. |
2 |
JsCollectionOptimizerTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Asset |
tests/src/Unit/Asset/JsCollectionOptimizerTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Asset\JsCollectionOptimizer
@group flysystem |
Local |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem |
src/Flysystem/Local.php |
Drupal plugin for the "Local" Flysystem adapter. |
1 |
LocalPathProcessor |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\PathProcessor |
src/PathProcessor/LocalPathProcessor.php |
Defines a path processor to serve public files directly for the local
adapter. |
2 |
LocalPathProcessorTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\PathProcessor |
tests/src/Unit/PathProcessor/LocalPathProcessorTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\PathProcessor\LocalPathProcessor
@group flysystem |
LocalTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/LocalTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Local
@group flysystem |
Missing |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem |
src/Flysystem/Missing.php |
Drupal plugin for the "NullAdapter" Flysystem adapter. |
3 |
MissingAdapter |
class |
Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter |
src/Flysystem/Adapter/MissingAdapter.php |
An adapter used when a plugin is missing. It fails at everything. |
9 |
MissingAdapterTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem\Adapter |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/Adapter/MissingAdapterTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Adapter\MissingAdapter
@group flysystem |
MissingTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit\Flysystem |
tests/src/Unit/Flysystem/MissingTest.php |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\flysystem\Flysystem\Missing
@group flysystem |
ModuleFunctionsTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\flysystem\Unit |
tests/src/Unit/ModuleFunctionsTest.php |
Tests module functions. |