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function flush_page_cache_custom_build in Flush page cache 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \flush_page_cache_custom_build()

Build flush page cache custom array from form values.

2 calls to flush_page_cache_custom_build()
flush_page_cache_admin_settings in ./
Form builder; Administration page for the 'Flush page cache' module.
flush_page_cache_admin_settings_submit in ./
Form submission handler; For flush page cache admin settings


./, line 207
Administration pages for the 'Flush page cache' module.


function flush_page_cache_custom_build($values) {
  $custom = array();
  foreach ($values['flush_page_cache_custom']['settings_table'] as $delta => $item) {
    if ($values['remove_' . $delta] == t('Remove') || empty($item['table'])) {
    $custom[] = array(
      empty($item['path']) ? '*' : trim($item['path'], '/'),
      empty($item['cid']) ? NULL : $item['cid'],
      empty($item['wildcard']) ? FALSE : TRUE,

  // DEBUG:
  // dpm($values); dpm($custom);
  return $custom;