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function flipping_book_load_multiple in Flipping Book 7

Loads flipping books from the database.

This function should be used whenever you need to load more than one flipping_book from the database. Flipping books are loaded into memory and will not require database access if loaded again during the same page request.


array $fbids: An array of flipping books id.

Return value

array An array of flipping books objects indexed by fbid.

1 call to flipping_book_load_multiple()
flipping_book_reference_field_formatter_prepare_view in ./flipping_book_reference.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_prepare_view().


./flipping_book.module, line 91
Manage Flipping Book packages into Drupal


function flipping_book_load_multiple(array $fbids) {
  $flipping_books = array();
  foreach ($fbids as $fbid) {
    $flipping_books[$fbid] = flipping_book_load($fbid);
  return $flipping_books;