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flipping_book.module in Flipping Book 8

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  1. 7 flipping_book.module


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 * @file
 * Contains flipping_book.module..
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\flipping_book\Entity\FlippingBookType;

 * Implements hook_help().
function flipping_book_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the flipping_book module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Provides integration with FlippingBook packages.') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function flipping_book_theme() {
  $theme = [];
  $theme['flipping_book'] = array(
    'render element' => 'elements',
    'file' => '',
    'template' => 'flipping_book',
  $theme['flipping_book_content_add_list'] = [
    'render element' => 'content',
    'variables' => [
      'content' => NULL,
    'file' => '',
  return $theme;

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
function flipping_book_theme_suggestions_flipping_book(array $variables) {
  $suggestions = array();
  $entity = $variables['elements']['#flipping_book'];
  $sanitized_view_mode = strtr($variables['elements']['#view_mode'], '.', '_');
  $suggestions[] = 'flipping_book__' . $sanitized_view_mode;
  $suggestions[] = 'flipping_book__' . $entity
  $suggestions[] = 'flipping_book__' . $entity
    ->bundle() . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode;
  $suggestions[] = 'flipping_book__' . $entity
  $suggestions[] = 'flipping_book__' . $entity
    ->id() . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode;
  return $suggestions;

 * Implements hook_flipping_book_delete().
function flipping_book_flipping_book_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $flipping_book = \Drupal::service('flipping_book');

 * Implements hook_file_download().
function flipping_book_file_download($uri) {
  if (!preg_match('|^([\\w\\-]+)://flipping_books/(.*?)/|', $uri, $matches)) {
    return NULL;
  $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
  $flipping_books = $storage
    'directory' => $matches[2],
  $flipping_book = reset($flipping_books);

  // Invalid flipping book uri provided.
  if (empty($flipping_book)) {
    return -1;
  $fb_service = \Drupal::service('flipping_book');

  /** @var FlippingBookType $fb_type */
  $fb_type = $fb_service
  $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
  $current_user = \Drupal::currentUser();
  $file_path = $file_system
  $denied = !file_exists($file_path) || !is_file($file_path) || !$current_user

  // Access specifically denied.
  if ($denied) {
    return -1;
  $mime_type = \Drupal::service('file.mime_type.guesser');
  $uri_chunks = explode('/', $uri);
  $file = File::create();

  // Access is granted.
  $headers = file_get_content_headers($file);
  return $headers;