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Files in Flickr 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description sets/ name = Flickr Sets description = Adds photoset capability to the Flickr module. core = 7.x package = Flickr configure = admin/config/media/flickr dependencies[] = flickr
flickr_sets.install sets/flickr_sets.install The uninstall hook.
flickr_sets.module sets/flickr_sets.module The Flickr sets module. simplytest/ name = Flickr Simplytest description = A demo for this module. core = 7.x package = Flickr hidden = TRUE dependencies[] = autofloat dependencies[] = ctools dependencies[] = image dependencies[] = flickr dependencies[] =…
flickr_simplytest.install simplytest/flickr_simplytest.install Create a menu link and frontpage node.
flickr_simplytest.module simplytest/flickr_simplytest.module Empty file that must exist. tags/ The admin settings for the Flickr Tags module.
flickr_tags.css tags/flickr_tags.css ul#flickr_taglist ul { padding: 0; } ul#flickr_taglist ul li { display: inline; padding: 0; margin: 0 1em 0 0; background: transparent none no-repeat fixed top; } ul#flickr_tagcloud { list-style: none; line-height:… tags/ name = Flickr Tags description = Adds tags capability to Flickr module. core = 7.x package = Flickr configure = admin/config/media/flickr dependencies[] = flickr
flickr_tags.install tags/flickr_tags.install Uninstall hook.
flickr_tags.module tags/flickr_tags.module The Flickr tags module.
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt It is recommended to enable the Colorbox module prior to installation of the Flickr module. This avoids some manual configuration. 1.) Extract the download package in the '/sites/all/modules directory'. 2.) Enable the module in…
INSTALL.txt block/INSTALL.txt To have dynamic Flickr Blocks that use a node's: - taxonomy terms to grab identical tagged photos from Flickr - date fields to grab photos taken in the period of a node date - location or geofields to grab photos taken near the location of a…
INSTALL.txt cachewarmer/INSTALL.txt After install set the 'Minimum cache lifetime' to 'none' at admin/config/development/performance.
README.txt README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there, as it is more detailed. NAME ==== Flickr Project page at…
README.txt filter/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there, as it is more detailed. NAME ==== Flickr Filter Part of the Flickr module. Project page at…
README.txt block/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there, as it is more detailed. NAME ==== Flickr Block Part of the Flickr module. Project page at…
README.txt sets/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at Sets are a convenient way to organize your images. Currently only 'sets' allow for display as a slideshow with the Flickr…
README.txt field/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there, as it is more detailed and illustrated. NAME ==== Flickr Field Part of the Flickr module. Project…
README.txt cachewarmer/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there. Rebuilds the page cache after cron runs for selected content types also known as cache…
README.txt feeds/README.txt Note that this sub-module does not depend (yet) on the main Flickr module. It has a dependency on the Feeds and Date module. Below is an example how to set up a Flickr feed. Besides this module enable the sub-module Feeds UI (feeds_ui, part of…
README.txt style/README.txt The content of this file is based on the online documentation that can be found at It is recommended to read it there. Extra configuration options: Rounded corners, shadow, border, emphasize…
README.txt tags/README.txt - Returns a given user's tags cloud at *flickr/%user/tags/cloud*. - Returns a given user's tags in a list at *flickr/%user/tags/list*. - Returns a user's photos with given tags at *flickr/%user/tags/%*.
SOURCE.txt style/img/SOURCE.txt By DBGthekafu [GPL (], via Wikimedia Commons


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