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function _flexslider_test_options in Flex Slider 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 flexslider.test \_flexslider_test_options()

Test configuration options

Return value

array Returns an array of options to test saving.

1 call to _flexslider_test_options()
FlexsliderTestCase::testOptionSet in ./flexslider.test


./flexslider.test, line 99
Test cases for Flex Slider


function _flexslider_test_options() {

  // Valid option set data
  $valid = array(
    'set1' => array(
      'animation' => 'slide',
      'animationduration' => 500,
      'slidedirection' => 'horizontal',
      'slideshow' => TRUE,
      'slideshowspeed' => 7000,
      'directionnav' => TRUE,
      'controlnav' => TRUE,
      'keyboardnav' => TRUE,
      'mousewheel' => FALSE,
      'prevtext' => 'Previous',
      'nexttext' => 'Next',
      'pauseplay' => FALSE,
      'pausetext' => 'Pause',
      'playtext' => 'Play',
      'randomize' => FALSE,
      'slidetostart' => 0,
      // integer value, not boolean
      'animationloop' => TRUE,
      'pauseonaction' => TRUE,
      'pauseonhover' => TRUE,
      'controlscontainer' => '',
      'manualcontrols' => '',
    'set2' => array(
      'animation' => 'fade',
    'set3' => array(
      'animation' => 'slide',

  // Invalid edge cases
  $error = array();
  return array(
    'valid' => $valid,
    'error' => $error,