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function flexslider_optionset_load in Flex Slider 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 flexslider.module \flexslider_optionset_load()

Fetches the given option set and returns it as an object or NULL, if no set could be found.

2 calls to flexslider_optionset_load()
template_preprocess_flexslider_container in theme/
Template preprocess handler for 'flexslider_container' theme.
_flexslider_views_slideshow_preprocess_flexslider_views_slideshow_main_frame in flexslider_views_slideshow/theme/
FlexSlider Views theme for the main wrapper element


./flexslider.module, line 214
A light-weight, customizable image gallery plugin for Drupal based on jQuery


function flexslider_optionset_load($optionset_name) {
  $optionset = ctools_export_crud_load('flexslider_optionset', $optionset_name);
  return $optionset;