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README.txt in Flex Slider 7

Integrates the FlexSlider library into Drupal.

Current Options
Allows you to use FlexSlider in a few different ways

- As a library to be used with any other theme or module by calling flexslider_add() (N.B. You may also use drupal_add_library('flexslider', 'flexslider') however this is not recommended)
- Integrates with Views Slideshow with FlexSlider Views submodule (80% feature complete) (flexslider_views_slideshow)
- Integrates with Fields (flexslider_fields)
- Adds a Views display mode (flexslider_views)

Future Plans

- Add support for Views jQFX

About FlexSlider

Library available at

- Simple, semantic markup
- Supported in all major browsers
- Horizontal/vertical slide and fade animations
- Multiple slider support, Callback API, and more
- Hardware accelerated touch swipe support
- Custom navigation options
- Use any html elements in the slides
- Built for beginners and pros, alike
- Free to use under the MIT license


1. Download the FlexSlider library from (This is the 1.x version of FlexSlider)
**N.B. Ensure you're using the 1.x version of FlexSlider. At the time of writing, the latest 1.x version is 1.8**
2. Unzip the file and rename the folder to "flexslider" (pay attention to the case of the letters)
3. Put the folder in a libraries directory
    - Ex: sites/all/libraries
4. The first two files are required and the last is optional (required for javascript debugging)
    - jquery.flexslider-min.js
    - flexslider.css
    - jquery.flexslider.js
4. Ensure you have a valid path similar to this one for all files
    - Ex: sites/all/libraries/flexslider/jquery.flexslider-min.js

That's it!


No matter how you want to use Flex Slider (with fields, views or views slideshow) you need to define "option sets" to tell Flex Slider how you want it to display. 

Go to admin/config/media/flexslider

From there you can edit the default option set and define new ones. These will be listed as options in the various forms where you setup Flex Slider to display.


You can toggle the development version of the library in the administrative settings page. This will load the unminified version of the library.

Export API

You can export your Flex Slider option presets using CTools exportables. So either using the Bulk Export module or Features.


View source
  1. About
  2. =====
  3. Integrates the FlexSlider library into Drupal.
  4. Current Options
  5. ---------------
  6. Allows you to use FlexSlider in a few different ways
  7. - As a library to be used with any other theme or module by calling flexslider_add() (N.B. You may also use drupal_add_library('flexslider', 'flexslider') however this is not recommended)
  8. - Integrates with Views Slideshow with FlexSlider Views submodule (80% feature complete) (flexslider_views_slideshow)
  9. - Integrates with Fields (flexslider_fields)
  10. - Adds a Views display mode (flexslider_views)
  11. Future Plans
  12. ------------
  13. - Add support for Views jQFX
  14. About FlexSlider
  15. ----------------
  16. Library available at
  17. - Simple, semantic markup
  18. - Supported in all major browsers
  19. - Horizontal/vertical slide and fade animations
  20. - Multiple slider support, Callback API, and more
  21. - Hardware accelerated touch swipe support
  22. - Custom navigation options
  23. - Use any html elements in the slides
  24. - Built for beginners and pros, alike
  25. - Free to use under the MIT license
  26. Installation
  27. ============
  28. 1. Download the FlexSlider library from (This is the 1.x version of FlexSlider)
  29. **N.B. Ensure you're using the 1.x version of FlexSlider. At the time of writing, the latest 1.x version is 1.8**
  30. 2. Unzip the file and rename the folder to "flexslider" (pay attention to the case of the letters)
  31. 3. Put the folder in a libraries directory
  32. - Ex: sites/all/libraries
  33. 4. The first two files are required and the last is optional (required for javascript debugging)
  34. - jquery.flexslider-min.js
  35. - flexslider.css
  36. - jquery.flexslider.js
  37. 4. Ensure you have a valid path similar to this one for all files
  38. - Ex: sites/all/libraries/flexslider/jquery.flexslider-min.js
  39. That's it!
  40. Usage
  41. ======
  42. No matter how you want to use Flex Slider (with fields, views or views slideshow) you need to define "option sets" to tell Flex Slider how you want it to display.
  43. Go to admin/config/media/flexslider
  44. From there you can edit the default option set and define new ones. These will be listed as options in the various forms where you setup Flex Slider to display.
  45. Debugging
  46. ---------
  47. You can toggle the development version of the library in the administrative settings page. This will load the unminified version of the library.
  48. Export API
  49. ==========
  50. You can export your Flex Slider option presets using CTools exportables. So either using the Bulk Export module or Features.