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function hook_flexiform_submission_access in Flexiform 7

Influence the access for a submission.

Access to flexiform submissions may involve checks outside of a simple permission permission check, so we allow modules to influence the result of an access check. Implementations can allow, deny or leave unaltered the access depending on what is returned.


string $op: The operation being performed.

NULL|string|FlexiformSubmission $flexiform_submission: The flexiform submission entity we are checking against, the flexiform machine name or NULL if we are checking global permissions.

stdClass $account: The user account we are checking for.

return NULL|boolean: Return a boolean TRUE to allow access, FALSE to deny access or NULL to leave access unaltered. One or more TRUE responses will allow access unless a FALSE is returned by another implementation.

See also



flexiform_webform/flexiform_webform.api.php, line 30
API documentation for Flexiform Webform.


function hook_flexiform_submission_access($op, $flexiform_submission, $account) {

  // We don't want to influence global permissions.
  if (!$flexiform_submission) {

  // Find our the form group this access check relates to.
  $form_name = is_object($flexiform_submission) ? $flexiform_submission->form : $flexiform_submission;
  $flexiform = flexiform_load($form_name);

  // Always allow access to any operation on the open_form form group and
  // prevent any access to the closed_form group for everyone except uid 1.
  if ($flexiform->form_group == 'open_form') {
    return TRUE;
  elseif ($flexiform->form_group == 'closed_form' && $account->uid != 1) {
    return FALSE;

  // All other access checks will be unaffected by this implementation.