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function hook_flexiform_builder_info in Flexiform 7

Register builder classes with the Flexiform system.

Builders are used to turn the configuration stored in the flexiform entity into a usable FAPI form.

Return value

An array whose keys are unique builder machine-names and whose values are arrays of important information about the builders that must contain the following keys:

  • class: The name of the class used to build the form.
  • label: The human-readable name of the builder.
  • description: A description that will be used as help text on the flexiform config form.
  • entity_types: An array of entity types that this builder can build forms for. Defaults to all entity types if left blank.
1 function implements hook_flexiform_builder_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

flexiform_flexiform_builder_info in ./
Implements hook_flexiform_builder_info().
1 invocation of hook_flexiform_builder_info()
flexiform_builder_info in ./flexiform.module
Get info about all available builders.


./flexiform.api.php, line 151
API documentation for Flexiform.


function hook_flexiform_builder_info() {
  $builders = array();
  $builders['FlexiformBuilderFlexiform'] = array(
    'class' => 'FlexiformBuilderFlexiform',
    'label' => t('Flexiform Form Builder'),
    'description' => t('The flexiform custom form builder. Use the configuration pages to add fields and entities to the form.'),
  $fieldable_entities = array();
  foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $info) {
    if ($info['fieldable']) {
      $fieldable_entities[] = $entity_type;
  $builders['FlexiformBuilderEntityForm'] = array(
    'class' => 'FlexiformBuilderEntityForm',
    'label' => t('Entity Field Form'),
    'description' => t('Render the standard entity field form.'),
    'entity_types' => $fieldable_entities,
  return $builders;