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function FlagHookFlagAccessTestCase::testFlagAccessAllowOverride in Flag 7.3

Verifies that the user sees the flag if a module returns TRUE (Allow) to override default access check.


tests/flag.test, line 1033
Tests for the Flag module.


Verifies the implementation of hook_flag_access().


function testFlagAccessAllowOverride() {
  variable_set('FlagHookFlagAccessTestCaseMode', 'allow');
  $flag_user = $this

  // Look at our node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->nid);
    ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears on the page.');

  // Click the link to flag the node.
    ->clickLink(t('Flag this item'));
    ->assertLink('Unflag this item', 0, 'The unflag link appears on the page after flagging.');

  // Click the link to unflag the node.
    ->clickLink(t('Unflag this item'));
    ->assertLink('Flag this item', 0, 'The flag link appears on the page after unflagging.');