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function flag_arg_uid in Flag 5

1 string reference to 'flag_arg_uid'
flag_views_arguments in includes/
Give an argument handler to limit nodes to those flagged by a uid.


includes/, line 276
Provides support for the Views module.


function flag_arg_uid($op, &$query, $argtype, $arg = '') {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'summary':

      // We have to do a couple of kind of ugly things here. First,
      // because we're dynamic we dig some table info out of the
      // arguments array. Second, the default behavior on our
      // pseudotables is to lock the table to current user, but
      // we are overriding that.
      $argdata = _views_get_arguments();
      $table = $argdata[$argtype]['table'];
      $table_data = _views_get_tables();
      $joininfo = $table_data[$table]['join'];
        ->add_table($table, true, 1, $joininfo);
        ->add_table('users', true, 1, array(
        'left' => array(
          'table' => $table,
          'field' => 'uid',
        'right' => array(
          'field' => 'uid',
        ->add_field('name', 'users');
        ->add_field('uid', 'users');
        ->add_where("{$table}.uid IS NOT NULL");
      $fieldinfo['field'] = "";
      return $fieldinfo;
    case 'filter':
      $uid = intval($arg);
      $argdata = _views_get_arguments();
      $table = $argdata[$argtype['type']]['table'];
      $table_data = _views_get_tables();
      $joininfo = $table_data[$table]['join'];
      $joininfo['extra']['uid'] = $uid;
      $tn = $query
        ->add_table($table, true, 1, $joininfo);
      $tname = $query
        ->get_table_name($table, $tn);
        ->add_where("{$tname}.uid IS NOT NULL");
    case 'link':
      $name = $query->name ? $query->name : variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous'));
      return l($name, "{$arg}/" . intval($query->uid));
    case 'title':
      if (!$query) {
        return variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous'));
      $user = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid = '%d'", $query));
      return $user->name;