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8 calls to fivestar_get_suffix() in Fivestar 6.2

fivestar_comment in ./fivestar_comment.module
Implementation of hook_comment().
fivestar_comment_form_alter in ./fivestar_comment.module
Form alter specification for comments.
fivestar_fivestar_access in ./fivestar.module
Implementation of hook_fivestar_access().
fivestar_form in ./fivestar.module
Create the fivestar form for the current item. Note that this is not an implementation of hook_form(). We should probably change the function to reflect that.
fivestar_get_settings in ./fivestar.module
Get all the settings set for a specific node type.
fivestar_node_type in ./fivestar.module
Implementation of hook_node_types().
fivestar_node_type_tag_form_submit in includes/
Additional submit handler for the node type form.
fivestar_vote in ./fivestar.module
Callback function for fivestar/vote.