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function fivestar_update_8101 in Fivestar 8

Updates the Fivestar stars widget settings.

This hook attempts to update the Fivestar stars widget settings. This update will work for all stars widgets provided by the Fivestar module, but may not work for stars widgets provided by other modules unless they followed the naming convention used by Fivestar (that naming convention was never required or enforced).

If we were unsuccessful in renaming the stars widget, then no data is lost. However you will then need to perform the update manually by setting the stars widgets on the manage display form for the content type, reachable from /admin/structure/types.

The 'old' value was stored as a file path to the CSS file for the stars widget, relative to DRUPAL_ROOT.

The 'new' value is a string key which may be used to look up the stars widget library in the output of hook_fivestar_widgets().

See also


./fivestar.install, line 30
Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Fivestar module.


function fivestar_update_8101() {

  // Find all entity bundles that have a Fivestar field attached.
  $fivestar_field_map = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')

  // Assemble a list of all available Fivestar star widgets.
  $widgets = \Drupal::moduleHandler()

  // FieldWidgets can be used on view displays and form displays only.
  foreach ([
  ] as $display) {

    // Perform an entity query to find all the entity display modes that
    // use a fivestar_widget but have that widget set to something OTHER than
    // one of the current star widget names. This will identify our legacy
    // settings.
    foreach ($fivestar_field_map as $entity => $details) {
      foreach ($details as $field => $values) {
        $display_map[$field] = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
          ->condition('targetEntityType', $entity)
          ->condition("content.{$field}.settings.fivestar_widget", array_keys($widgets), 'NOT IN')

    // Now parse the output of the query and grab the fivestar widget setting
    // out of the configuration.
    foreach ($display_map as $field => $entities) {
      foreach ($entities as $entity) {
        $config = \Drupal::configFactory()

        // Do the renaming, using our best guess of what the new name should be.
        $old_name = $config
        $new_name = basename($old_name, '.css');
          ->set("content.{$field}.settings.fivestar_widget", $new_name);