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function finder_condition_args_label in Finder 7

Get label for a condition args entry.


$entry: A condition args entry.

$matches: The translated string to replace !matches with.

$keywords: The translated string to replace !keywords with.

Return value

The formatted label.

2 calls to finder_condition_args_label()
finder_admin_element_edit in includes/
Admin finder element add/edit page. Must have a Finder object at this point.
finder_autocomplete_form_finder_admin_element_edit_alter in modules/finder_autocomplete/finder_autocomplete.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


./finder.module, line 1362
The finder module.


function finder_condition_args_label($entry, $matches, $keywords) {
  return drupal_ucfirst($entry['name'] . ' - ' . strtr($entry['description'], array(
    '!matches' => $matches,
    '!keywords' => $keywords,