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filter_harmonizer.module in Views Filter Harmonizer 7

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  2. 1.0.x filter_harmonizer.module

filter_harmonizer.module For Views where both exposed and contextual filters are active on a page.


View source

 * @file
 * filter_harmonizer.module
 * For Views where both exposed and contextual filters are active on a page.

 * Implements hook_help().
function filter_harmonizer_help($path) {
  if ($path != 'admin/help#filter_harmonizer') {
    return NULL;
  $text = t('Configuration and usage instructions are in this <a href="@README">README</a> file.<br/>Known issues and solutions may be found on the <a href="@filter_harmonizer">Views Filter Harmonizer</a> project page.', array(
    '@README' => url(drupal_get_path('module', 'filter_harmonizer') . '/README.txt'),
    '@filter_harmonizer' => url(''),
  return '<p>' . $text . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
function filter_harmonizer_form_views_ui_config_item_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if (variable_get('filter_harmonizer_always') || empty($form_state['section'])) {

    // Nothing to do (in the wrong place).
  switch ($form_state['section']) {
    case 'arguments':
      $filter_handlers = $form_state['view']->display_handler
      if (!empty($filter_handlers[$form_state['handler']->field])) {
        $title = t("Ignore this contextual filter <em>after</em> initial page load, when the user applies this same field's <em>exposed</em> filter.");

      // This contextual filter does not have a regular filter counterpart.
    case 'filters':
      $contextual_handlers = $form_state['view']->display_handler
      if (!empty($contextual_handlers[$form_state['handler']->field])) {
        $title = t('Override the companion <em>contextual</em> filter');

      // This regular filter does not have a contextual filter counterpart.

      // Only want this tickbox on regular and contextual filter forms.
  $filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters', array());
  $view_name = $form_state['view']->name;
  $display_id = $form_state['display_id'];
  $field_name = $form_state['id'];
  $form['options']['filter_harmonizer_enable'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => $title,
    '#description' => t("When ticked, the contextual filter will apply only on initial page load when the exposed filter has not been applied yet."),
    '#default_value' => !empty($filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters[$view_name][$display_id][$field_name]),
    '#fieldset' => 'argument_present',
  $form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'filter_harmonizer_views_ui_config_item_form_submit';

 * Supplementary submit handler for the form 'views_ui_config_item_form'.
function filter_harmonizer_views_ui_config_item_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $new_value = !empty($form_state['values']['options']['filter_harmonizer_enable']);
  $filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters', array());
  $view_name = $form_state['view']->name;
  $field_name = $form_state['id'];
  $is_debug = filter_harmonizer_debug_flag();

  // If "All displays" is selected then we need to do this for all displays
  // that do not have their values set already (i.e. that are overridden).
  $display_ids = array_keys($form_state['view']->changed_display);
  foreach ($display_ids as $display_id) {
    $filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters[$view_name][$display_id][$field_name] = $new_value;
    if ($is_debug) {
      drupal_set_message(t('View %view_name (%display), field %field: ignore contextual filter set to @value', array(
        '%view' => $view_name,
        '%display' => $display_id,
        '%field' => $field_name,
        '@value' => (int) $new_value,

  // Wish we could save this on the View, but don't know how. We're outside
  // the view context...
  variable_set('filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters', $filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters);

 * Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
function filter_harmonizer_form_views_exposed_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['#submit'][] = 'filter_harmonizer_views_exposed_form_submit';

 * Supplementary submit handler for 'views_exposed_form'.
 * @todo: Refactor this mess. Especially all the debug msgs.
function filter_harmonizer_views_exposed_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if (empty($form_state['view']) || empty($form_state['display']->handler)) {
  if (isset($form_state['display']->display_options['enabled']) && !$form_state['display']->display_options['enabled']) {
  $view_display = $form_state['display']->handler;
  if (!($contextual_handlers = $view_display
    ->get_handlers('argument'))) {
  if (!($filter_handlers = $view_display
    ->get_handlers('filter'))) {
  $view = $form_state['view'];
  $display_id = $form_state['display']->id;

  // For attachments: if the attachment isn't coupled to both the contextual
  // and regular filters of its page/master, then we have nothing to harmonize.
  $is_inherit_contextual = $view->display_handler
  $is_inherit_regular = $view->display_handler
  if ($is_inherit_contextual === 0 || $is_inherit_regular === 0) {
  $view_args =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($view_args)) {
    $view_args = $view->args;

  // As we haven't run the query yet we dont know for sure if the output is
  // going to be paged...
  // Note that the first page of a sequence does NOT have a 'page=..'
  $is_paged = $view->display[$display_id]->handler
    ->use_pager() && isset($_GET['page']);
  $is_filter_harmonizer_always = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_always', FALSE);
  $is_merge_filter_values = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_merge_filter_values', FALSE);
  $is_fill_exposed_form = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_fill_exposed', TRUE);
  $filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters = variable_get('filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters', array());
  $is_debug = filter_harmonizer_debug_flag();
  $is_initial_page_load = filter_harmonizer_is_new_page();
  if ($is_debug) {
    if ($is_initial_page_load) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Views Filter Harmonizer - Initial page load.'));
    elseif ($is_paged) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Views Filter Harmonizer - View is paged. Treating as initial page load.'));
  $replace_args = array();
  $num_harmonized = 0;
  foreach ($contextual_handlers as $field_name => $contextual_filter) {
    $is_harmonize = $is_filter_harmonizer_always || !empty($filter_harmonizer_contextual_filters[$view->name][$display_id][$field_name]);
    $contextual_is_empty = !isset($contextual_filter->position) || !isset($view_args[$contextual_filter->position]);
    $contextual_value = $contextual_is_empty ? $contextual_filter
      ->get_default_argument() : $view_args[$contextual_filter->position];

    // Initialise the replacement args with the current contextual filter value.
    $replace_args[$field_name] = $contextual_value;
    if ($is_harmonize && isset($filter_handlers[$field_name])) {

      // This regular (exposed) filter has a companion contextual filter on the
      // same display and harmonization is requested.
      if ($contextual_value == $contextual_filter->options['exception']['value']) {
        $contextual_is_empty = TRUE;
      if (strpos($contextual_value, '|') === FALSE) {

        // If "Allow mutliple values" is ticked, replace Views contextual OR
        // operator, i.e. the space or +, by a more unique separator '|'.
        if (!empty($contextual_filter->options['break_phrase'])) {
          $contextual_value = str_replace(array(
            ' ',
          ), '|', $contextual_value);

          // With "Allow multiple values" ticked, filter arguments that contain
          // spaces MUST be entered with dashes instead: 'United-Kingdom'.
          // Now that spaces have been converted to '|', we can transform
          // dashes to spaces.
          $contextual_value = str_replace('-', ' ', $contextual_value);
      $regular_filter = $filter_handlers[$field_name];
      $key = $regular_filter
        ->is_a_group() ? 'group_info' : 'expose';
      $form_field_name = $regular_filter->options[$key]['identifier'];
      if (isset($form_state['values'][$form_field_name])) {
        $regular_value = _filter_harmonizer_flatten($form_state['values'][$form_field_name]);
        $regular_is_empty = filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty($form_state['values'][$form_field_name], $regular_filter);
      else {
        $regular_value = '';
        $regular_is_empty = TRUE;
      $msg = NULL;
      if ($is_debug) {
        $msg = t('Views Filter Harmonizer - @display %view, @filter.<br/>Exposed filter value: %regular-val. Contextual filter value: %context-val', array(
          '%view' => $view
          '@display' => $display_id,
          '@filter' => $field_name,
          '%regular-val' => $regular_is_empty ? t('EMPTY') : $regular_value,
          '%context-val' => $contextual_is_empty ? t('EMPTY/all (no action required)') : $contextual_value,
      $form_options = isset($form[$form_field_name]['#options']) ? $form[$form_field_name]['#options'] : NULL;
      if ($contextual_is_empty) {

        // As this is mainly for display concatenate with '+' rather than '|'.
        if (!$regular_is_empty) {
          $replace_args[$field_name] = implode('+', filter_harmonizer_convert_regular_to_contextual_value($form_options, $contextual_filter, $regular_value));
      else {

        // Auto-clear the contextual filter when the exposed filter is clear,
        // except on initial page load, which is the only time the contextual
        // filter is obeyed. In this case we visualise the contextual filter
        // value on the exposed filter.
        $is_multi = $regular_filter->options[$key]['multiple'];
        if (($is_initial_page_load || $is_paged) && ($regular_is_empty || $is_multi)) {
          $filter_values = filter_harmonizer_convert_contextual_to_regular_value($contextual_filter, $regular_filter, $contextual_value);
          if (isset($msg)) {
            $msg .= ', ' . t('converted: %value', array(
              '%value' => is_array($filter_values) ? implode('|', $filter_values) : $filter_values,
          if ($is_multi && !$regular_is_empty && $is_merge_filter_values && is_array($filter_values)) {

            // Special case [#2297687].
            // If the regular filter allows multiple selections and isn't empty,
            // project the current contextual filter args onto the exposed
            // filter, while at the same time unsetting the contextual filter to
            // 'all'.
            $filter_values = array_merge(array_filter(explode('|', $regular_value)), $filter_values);
            $filter_values = array_unique($filter_values);
            if (isset($msg)) {
              $msg .= '<br/>' . t('Merged: %value. Setting it on exposed, unsetting contextual.', array(
                '%value' => implode('|', $filter_values),
            filter_harmonizer_set_exposed_filter($form_state, $form_field_name, $filter_values);
            filter_harmonizer_unset_contextual_filter($contextual_filter, $filter_values);

            // For display concatenate with '+' rather than '|'.
            $replace_args[$field_name] = implode('+', filter_harmonizer_convert_regular_to_contextual_value($form_options, $contextual_filter, implode('|', $filter_values)));
          else {
            if (isset($msg)) {
              $msg .= '. ' . t('Filter values remain.');

          // Show the contextual filter value on the exposed filter form.
          if ($is_fill_exposed_form) {
            filter_harmonizer_visualise_exposed_filter($form[$form_field_name], $filter_values);

          // Allow other modules to alter the process by
          // implementing hook_filter_harmonizer_filter_set_alter().
          $data = array(
          drupal_alter('filter_harmonizer_set', $data);
        else {
          if (isset($msg)) {
            $msg .= '<br/>' . t('Exposed filter override applies, unsetting contextual filter.');
          filter_harmonizer_unset_contextual_filter($contextual_filter, $regular_value);

          // As this is mainly for display concatenate with '+' rather than '|'.
          $replace_args[$field_name] = implode('+', filter_harmonizer_convert_regular_to_contextual_value($form_options, $contextual_filter, $regular_value));
    elseif ($is_debug) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Views Filter Harmonizer - @display %view, @filter: this contextual filter is not configured as a companion of any exposed filter. No harmonization will take place.', array(
        '%view' => $view
        '@display' => $display_id,
        '@filter' => $field_name,
      )), 'warning');
  if ($num_harmonized > 0 && variable_get('filter_harmonizer_adjust_browser_url', FALSE)) {

 * Appends the supplied arguments to the browser address bar base URL.
 * This works on all modern browsers and on IE since version 10.
 * @param array $arguments
function filter_harmonizer_set_browser_url_tail($arguments) {
  if (empty($arguments)) {
  global $base_path;
  $menu_item = menu_get_item();
  $browser_url_tail = '';
  $i = 0;
  $args = array_values($arguments);
  foreach (explode('/', $menu_item['path']) as $segment) {
    $browser_url_tail .= ($segment == '%' && isset($args[$i]) ? $args[$i++] : $segment) . '/';
  for (; $i < count($args); $i++) {
    if (!empty($args[$i])) {
      $browser_url_tail .= $args[$i] . '/';
  $js = drupal_get_path('module', 'filter_harmonizer') . '/filter_harmonizer.js';
    'filter_harmonizer_url' => $base_path . $browser_url_tail,
  ), 'setting');

 * Set the supplied value(s) on the exposed regular filter.
 * @param array $form_state
 *   The form state
 * @param string $form_field_name
 *   Machine name of the exposed filter.
 * @param mixed $filter_values
 *   Array or string value.
function filter_harmonizer_set_exposed_filter(&$form_state, $form_field_name, $values) {
  $form_state['view']->exposed_data[$form_field_name] = $form_state['values'][$form_field_name] = $values;

 * Unsets the supplied contextual filter to 'all' and fixes the view title.
 * @param object $contextual_filter
 * @param string $regular_filter_value
function filter_harmonizer_unset_contextual_filter($contextual_filter, $regular_filter_value) {
  if (isset($contextual_filter->position)) {

    // Exposed filter to be applied, so make contextual filter retreat by
    // setting it to 'all', whether already set or not.
    $contextual_filter->view->args[$contextual_filter->position] = $contextual_filter->options['exception']['value'];
    _filter_harmonizer_fix_title($contextual_filter, $regular_filter_value);

 * Implements hook_init().
function filter_harmonizer_init() {

 * Returns TRUE when the current page is different from the previous.
 * This also captures as "is new" any changes in the contextual filter arguments
 * in the URL.
 * Calling this function more than once during the same request, will NOT result
 * in a different value.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE when the current page (i.e. URL) is different from the previous.
function filter_harmonizer_is_new_page() {
  $is_new =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL);
  if (!isset($is_new)) {

    // Next call will always return views/ajax for Views with "Use AJAX: Yes"
    $path = current_path();
    if (module_exists('session_cache')) {
      $session = session_cache_get('filter_harmonizer');
      $previous_path = isset($session['prev_path']) ? $session['prev_path'] : FALSE;
      $session['prev_path'] = $path;
      session_cache_set('filter_harmonizer', $session);
    else {
      $previous_path = isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['filter_harmonizer']['prev_path']) ? $_SESSION['filter_harmonizer']['prev_path'] : FALSE;
      $_SESSION['filter_harmonizer']['prev_path'] = $path;
    $is_new = $previous_path !== $path;
  return $is_new;

 * Determine whether the supplied argument constitutes an empty filter.
 * 0, and one or more spaces are not considered empty, but other modules may
 * override this.
 * @param mixed $form_value
 *   The value to test for "emptiness".
 * @param object $filter_handler
 *   The Views exposed filter handler, if required.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE when $form_value is considered empty.
function filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty($form_value, $filter_handler = NULL) {
  $is_empty = FALSE;
  if (!isset($form_value) || $form_value == '' || $form_value == 'All') {
    $is_empty = TRUE;
  elseif (is_array($form_value)) {
    $is_empty = _filter_harmonizer_is_empty($form_value);

  // Allow other modules to change the definition of 'empty' by them
  // implementing hook_filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty_alter().
  drupal_alter('filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty', $form_value, $is_empty, $filter_handler);
  return $is_empty;

 * Convert a supplied contextual filter value to an equivalent exposed value.
 * @param object $contextual_filter
 *   the contextual_filter object
 * @param object $regular_filter
 *   if the exposed filter is grouped, this will contain the group mapping
 * @param string $value
 *   the value, can be a string, number or array of tids or grouped filter ids.
function filter_harmonizer_convert_contextual_to_regular_value($contextual_filter, $regular_filter, $value) {
  if (!isset($contextual_filter) || !isset($regular_filter)) {
    return FALSE;
  $is_a_group = $regular_filter
  $field_name = $is_a_group ? $regular_filter->options['group_info']['identifier'] : $regular_filter->options['expose']['identifier'];
  $last_value =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($value) && isset($last_value[$field_name])) {

    // This happens in the case of exposed filters in blocks. For reasons I
    // don't understand they get set twice, the second time with an empty value.
    $value = $last_value[$field_name];
  else {
    $last_value[$field_name] = $value;

  // Deal with multi-select boxes for lists and taxonomy terms.
  if (is_a($contextual_filter, 'views_handler_argument_numeric') || filter_harmonizer_is_tax_filter($contextual_filter)) {

    // If the contextual filter has a "Taxonomy term" validator specified of
    // type "Term name converted to Term ID", then $value will hold term
    // names, not numeric tids.
    $ids = array();
    foreach (explode('|', $value) as $val) {
      if (is_numeric($val)) {
        $ids[] = $val;
      else {

        // Check if it's a contextual arg validator with spaces replaced by
        // dashes; then do the reverse.
        if (!empty($contextual_filter->options['validate_options']['transform'])) {
          $val = str_replace('-', ' ', $val);

        // Should return only one, unless the name is ambiguous.
        foreach (taxonomy_get_term_by_name($val) as $term) {
          $ids[] = $term->tid;
    $value = $ids;
  else {

    // Check if it's a contextual arg with spaces replaced by dashes. If so
    // then reverse. Cannot work in combination with "Alllow multiple values",
    // as both options rely on spaces.
    if (!empty($contextual_filter->options['transform_dash'])) {
      $value = str_replace('-', ' ', $value);
  return $is_a_group ? filter_harmonizer_get_grouped_filter_options($value, $regular_filter) : $value;

 * Convert a supplied regular filter value to an equivalent contextual argument.
 * @todo: handle list values
 * @param array $regular_filter_options
 *   the regular (exposed) filter options, indexed by machine code
 * @param object $contextual_filter
 *   the contextual filter object
 * @param array $value
 *   array of contextual values; you may want to concatenate these with '+' to
 *   use in an URL
function filter_harmonizer_convert_regular_to_contextual_value($regular_filter_options, $contextual_filter, $value) {
  if (filter_harmonizer_is_tax_filter($contextual_filter)) {

    // May need to tighten up above to uniquely identify filter as taxonomy filter
    if ($value === '' || strtolower($value) === strtolower(t('All'))) {
      return array(

    // For Taxonomy terms with "Term name converted to Term ID" we need to
    // convert the tid to the term name or the URL won't be valid.
    if ($contextual_filter->options['validate_options']['type'] == 'name' || $contextual_filter->options['validate_options']['type'] == 'convert') {
      foreach (explode('|', $value) as $subvalue) {
        if ($term = taxonomy_term_load($subvalue)) {
          $subvalues[] = $term->name;
      return empty($subvalues) ? array(
      ) : $subvalues;
    return explode('|', $value);
  elseif (is_array($regular_filter_options)) {

    // @todo For grouped values we need to look up $value in
    //       $regular_filter->options['group_info']['group_items']
    $subvalues = array();
    foreach (explode('|', $value) as $key) {
      if (!empty($regular_filter_options[$key])) {
        $subvalues[] = $regular_filter_options[$key];
    return $subvalues;
  return array(

 * Make a new exposed filter selection visible on its form.
 * @param array $form_field
 *   The form's exposed filter field that needs to be set.
 * @param mixed $values
 *   String or array of values to set on the exposed filter field.
function filter_harmonizer_visualise_exposed_filter(&$form_field, $values) {
  if (is_array($values)) {
    if ($form_field['#type'] == 'radios') {
      $option = reset($values);
      $form_field[$option]['#value'] = $option;
    elseif ($form_field['#type'] == 'checkboxes') {
      foreach ($values as $option) {
        $form_field[$option]['#checked'] = TRUE;
  $form_field['#value'] = $values;

 * Transforms the passed in filter value into the correct grouped filter option.
 * @param mixed $value
 *   String or array. In the context of this function multiple string values
 *   must be separated by |, not spaces.
 * @param object $regular_filter
 *   The regular (exposed) filter, which may or may not be grouped.
function filter_harmonizer_get_grouped_filter_options($value, $regular_filter) {
  $group_ids = array();

  // This appears good enough for Grouped filters for now.
  foreach ($regular_filter->options['group_info']['group_items'] as $group_id => $info) {
    if (is_array($info['value'])) {
      if (isset($info['value']['value'])) {
        if (in_array($info['value']['value'], $value)) {
          $group_ids[$group_id] = $group_id;
      elseif (array_intersect(array_keys($info['value']), $value)) {
        $group_ids[$group_id] = $group_id;
    elseif (is_string($value)) {

      // Contextual argument like "holLAND" or "australia|Holland".
      // @todo implement Glossary mode?
      foreach (explode('|', $value) as $text) {
        if (strcasecmp($info['value'], $text) === 0) {
          $group_ids[$group_id] = $group_id;
  return empty($group_ids) ? $value : $group_ids;

 * Returns whether the supplied contextual filter is a taxonomy term filter.
 * @param object $contextual_filter
 * @return bool
function filter_harmonizer_is_tax_filter($contextual_filter) {
  return is_a($contextual_filter, 'views_handler_argument_term_node_tid') || is_a($contextual_filter, 'views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth');

 * Implements hook_menu().
function filter_harmonizer_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/content/filter-harmonizer'] = array(
    'title' => 'Views Filter Harmonizer',
    'description' => 'Global and advanced settings.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_permission().
function filter_harmonizer_permission() {
  return array(
    'filter harmonizer view info msgs' => array(
      'title' => t('View info/debug messages'),

 * Return whether dubug info messages are requested for the current user's role.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the current role may see information/debug messages.
function filter_harmonizer_debug_flag() {
  global $user;

  // Cannot use user_access() for uid==1 as it will always return TRUE.
  foreach (user_role_permissions($user->roles) as $role_permissions) {
    if (in_array('filter harmonizer view info msgs', array_keys($role_permissions))) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Flatten the supplied array or array of arrays into a single string.
 * @param array $array
 *   The array to flatten.
 * @return string
 *   String with items separated by plus signs.
function _filter_harmonizer_flatten($array) {
  if (!is_array($array)) {
    return $array;
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $array[$key] = implode(',', $value);
  return implode('|', $array);

 * Determines whether the supplied array is considered "empty".
 * This function considers as empty any array with at least one empty entry.
 * @param array $array
 *   May be a mix of simple values and nested arrays.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if empty, FALSE otherwise.
function _filter_harmonizer_is_empty($array) {
  foreach ($array as $value) {
    if (empty($value) && $value !== 0) {
      return TRUE;
    if (is_array($value)) {
      return _filter_harmonizer_is_empty($value);
  $filtered = array_filter($array);

  // For multi-selects: consider these empty when all options are deselected.
  return count($array) > 1 ? empty($filtered) : empty($array);

 * When setting the contextual filters, this makes sure the title matches.
 * Refers to the case where an alternative title was specified using %1.
 * @param object $contextual_filter
 *   The contexutal filter for which to fix the title.
 * @param string $filter_values
 *   Single value or list of values separated by |
function _filter_harmonizer_fix_title(&$contextual_filter, $filter_values) {
  if ($contextual_filter->options['title'] == '%' . ($contextual_filter->position + 1)) {
    if (is_string($filter_values) && filter_harmonizer_is_tax_filter($contextual_filter)) {
      foreach (taxonomy_term_load_multiple(explode('|', $filter_values)) as $term) {
        $term_names[] = $term->name;
      $contextual_filter->options['title'] = empty($term_names) ? $filter_values : check_plain(implode(' + ', $term_names));
    else {

      // Whatever the case, the current title can't be right...
      $contextual_filter->options['title'] = '';
if (module_exists('geofield')) {
  require_once 'plugins/';


Namesort descending Description
filter_harmonizer_convert_contextual_to_regular_value Convert a supplied contextual filter value to an equivalent exposed value.
filter_harmonizer_convert_regular_to_contextual_value Convert a supplied regular filter value to an equivalent contextual argument.
filter_harmonizer_debug_flag Return whether dubug info messages are requested for the current user's role.
filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty Determine whether the supplied argument constitutes an empty filter.
filter_harmonizer_form_views_exposed_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
filter_harmonizer_form_views_ui_config_item_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
filter_harmonizer_get_grouped_filter_options Transforms the passed in filter value into the correct grouped filter option.
filter_harmonizer_help Implements hook_help().
filter_harmonizer_init Implements hook_init().
filter_harmonizer_is_new_page Returns TRUE when the current page is different from the previous.
filter_harmonizer_is_tax_filter Returns whether the supplied contextual filter is a taxonomy term filter.
filter_harmonizer_menu Implements hook_menu().
filter_harmonizer_permission Implements hook_permission().
filter_harmonizer_set_browser_url_tail Appends the supplied arguments to the browser address bar base URL.
filter_harmonizer_set_exposed_filter Set the supplied value(s) on the exposed regular filter.
filter_harmonizer_unset_contextual_filter Unsets the supplied contextual filter to 'all' and fixes the view title.
filter_harmonizer_views_exposed_form_submit Supplementary submit handler for 'views_exposed_form'.
filter_harmonizer_views_ui_config_item_form_submit Supplementary submit handler for the form 'views_ui_config_item_form'.
filter_harmonizer_visualise_exposed_filter Make a new exposed filter selection visible on its form.
_filter_harmonizer_fix_title When setting the contextual filters, this makes sure the title matches.
_filter_harmonizer_flatten Flatten the supplied array or array of arrays into a single string.
_filter_harmonizer_is_empty Determines whether the supplied array is considered "empty".