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function hook_filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty in Views Filter Harmonizer 7

Allow modules to alter the meaning of 'empty' for regular filter values.

By default, the number 0 and a sequence of one or more spaces are not considered empty for any filter, but other modules may override this by implementing this hook.


mixed $value: the value that is to be tested on "emptiness"

bool $is_empty: set this according to whether $value is considered empty or not

object $filter_handler: the associated Views exposed filter handler, if needed


./filter_harmonizer.api.php, line 44
This file contains no working PHP code; it's here to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


function hook_filter_harmonizer_filter_is_empty($value, &$is_empty, $filter_handler) {