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trait FillPdfTestHelper in FillPDF 7

Helper functions for FillPDF testing.



tests/FillPdfTestHelper.test, line 6

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trait FillPdfTestHelper {

   * The user object for a privileged user.
   * @var object|false
  protected $privilegedUser;

   * Creates a privileged user account.
  protected function createPrivilegedUser() {

    // Meh. Caching.

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'access administration pages',
      'administer pdfs',
      'publish all pdfs',

   * Uploads a PDF test file.
  protected function uploadTestPdf() {
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/fillpdf', array(
      'files[upload_pdf]' => drupal_realpath(drupal_get_path('module', 'fillpdf') . '/tests/fillpdf_test_v4.pdf'),
    ), t('Upload'));
      ->assertText('fillpdf_test_v4.pdf was successfully uploaded.');
      ->assertResponse(200, 'No integrity constraint violation.');

   * Configures FillPdf using the test backend.
  protected function configureBackend() {
    variable_set('fillpdf_service', 'test');
    variable_set('fillpdf_scheme', 'private');

   * Configures FillPdf using the local_service backend.
  protected function configureLocalServiceBackend() {
    variable_set('fillpdf_service', 'local_service');
    variable_set('fillpdf_scheme', 'private');
    variable_set('fillpdf_local_service_endpoint', '');

   * Configures FillPdf using the pdftk backend.
  protected function configurePdftkBackend() {
    variable_set('fillpdf_service', 'pdftk');
    variable_set('fillpdf_scheme', 'private');

   * Get the fid of the uploaded file to construct the link.
   * @return int|false
   *   The fid or FALSE if there are no entries in {fillpdf_forms}.
  protected function getLatestFillPdfForm() {
    return db_query('select MAX(fid) AS fid from {fillpdf_forms};')

   * Create an entity with an image.
   * @param object $image
   *   A file object representing the image to upload.
   * @param string $field_name
   *   Name of the image field the image should be attached to.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity's entity type.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The entity's bundle.
   * @param string $label
   *   (optional) The entity's label.
   * @return int|false
   *   Entity ID of the created entity, or FALSE if the entity could not be
   *   created.
   * @see ImageFieldTestCase::uploadNodeImage()
  public function createImageFieldEntity($image, $field_name, $entity_type, $bundle, $label = NULL) {
    $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
    if (empty($image->fid)) {

      // Create a managed file.
    $entity = (object) array(
      'is_new' => TRUE,
      'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
    if ($bundle_key = $info['entity keys']['bundle']) {
      $entity->{$bundle_key} = $bundle;
    if ($label_key = $info['entity keys']['label']) {
      $entity->{$label_key} = isset($label) ? $label : $this
    $entity->{$field_name} = array(
      LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
        0 => array(
          'fid' => $image->fid,
    switch ($entity_type) {
      case 'node':
        return $entity->nid;
      case 'taxonomy_term':
        $entity->vid = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($bundle)->vid;
        $status = taxonomy_term_save($entity);
        return $status == SAVED_NEW ? $entity->tid : FALSE;
      case 'user':
        $user = user_save($entity);
        return $user->uid;
        if (module_exists('entity')) {
          entity_save($entity_type, $entity);
          $id_key = $info['entity keys']['id'];
          return (int) $entity->{$id_key};
    return FALSE;

   * Create a new image field.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the new field (all lowercase), exclude the "field_" prefix.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type that this field will be added to.
   * @param string $bundle
   *   The bundle that this field will be added to.
   * @param array $field_settings
   *   (optional) A list of field settings that will be added to the defaults.
   * @param array $instance_settings
   *   (optional) A list of instance settings that will be added to the instance
   *   defaults.
   * @param array $widget_settings
   *   (optional) A list of widget settings that will be added to the widget
   *   defaults.
   * @return mixed
   *   The return value of field_create_instance().
   * @throws \FieldException
   * @see \ImageFieldTestCase::createImageField()
  public function createImageField($name, $entity_type, $bundle, array $field_settings = array(), array $instance_settings = array(), array $widget_settings = array()) {
    $field = array(
      'field_name' => $name,
      'type' => 'image',
      'settings' => array(),
      'cardinality' => !empty($field_settings['cardinality']) ? $field_settings['cardinality'] : 1,
    $field['settings'] = array_merge($field['settings'], $field_settings);
    $instance = array(
      'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'label' => $name,
      'bundle' => $bundle,
      'required' => !empty($instance_settings['required']),
      'settings' => array(),
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'image_image',
        'settings' => array(),
    $instance['settings'] = array_merge($instance['settings'], $instance_settings);
    $instance['widget']['settings'] = array_merge($instance['widget']['settings'], $widget_settings);
    return field_create_instance($instance);

   * Maps FillPDF fields to entity fields.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The entity type.
   * @param array $fields
   *   Associative array of PDF fields.
   * @param int $fid
   *   ID of the FillPDF form.
  protected function mapFillPdfFieldsToEntityFields($entity_type, array $fields, $fid) {
    $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
    $token_type = $info['token type'];
    $label_key = $info['entity keys']['label'];
    $image_field_map = array(
      'node' => '[node:field_test_image]',
      'taxonomy_term' => '[term:field_term_image]',
      'user' => '[user:picture]',
    foreach ($fields as $pdf_key => $field) {
      if ($pdf_key == 'ImageField') {
        if (isset($image_field_map[$entity_type])) {
          $field['value'] = $image_field_map[$entity_type];
      elseif ($pdf_key == 'TextField') {
        $field['value'] .= "[{$token_type}:{$label_key}]";
      else {
      fillpdf_fields_create_update($fid, $pdf_key, $field, TRUE);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FillPdfTestHelper::$privilegedUser protected property The user object for a privileged user.
FillPdfTestHelper::configureBackend protected function Configures FillPdf using the test backend.
FillPdfTestHelper::configureLocalServiceBackend protected function Configures FillPdf using the local_service backend.
FillPdfTestHelper::configurePdftkBackend protected function Configures FillPdf using the pdftk backend.
FillPdfTestHelper::createImageField public function Create a new image field.
FillPdfTestHelper::createImageFieldEntity public function Create an entity with an image.
FillPdfTestHelper::createPrivilegedUser protected function Creates a privileged user account.
FillPdfTestHelper::getLatestFillPdfForm protected function Get the fid of the uploaded file to construct the link.
FillPdfTestHelper::mapFillPdfFieldsToEntityFields protected function Maps FillPDF fields to entity fields.
FillPdfTestHelper::uploadTestPdf protected function Uploads a PDF test file.