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function filefield_sources_plupload_element_value in FileField Sources Plupload 7

Our value handler not only sets the Plupload fields values, but also adds the files to the filefiels values.

1 string reference to 'filefield_sources_plupload_element_value'
filefield_sources_plupload_source_process in ./filefield_sources_plupload.module
A #process callback to extend the filefield_widget element type.


./filefield_sources_plupload.module, line 103
A File field extension to allow multi uploads using Plupload.


function filefield_sources_plupload_element_value($element, $input = FALSE, &$form_state = NULL) {
  if (isset($input) && $input === FALSE) {
    return array();

  // We rely on Plupload Integration module to handle the actual field values.
  $pud_value = plupload_element_value($element, $input, $form_state);
  if (empty($pud_value)) {
    return array();
  $field_parents = array_slice($element['#array_parents'], 0, -3);
  $field_element = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state['complete form'], $field_parents);
  $field_name = $field_element['#field_name'];
  $langcode = $field_element['#language'];
  $upload_delta = isset($field_element['#file_upload_delta']) ? $field_element['#file_upload_delta'] : 0;
  $upload_location = isset($field_element[$upload_delta]['#upload_location']) ? $field_element[$upload_delta]['#upload_location'] : file_default_scheme() . '://';
  $upload_validators = isset($field_element[$upload_delta]['#upload_validators']) ? $field_element[$upload_delta]['#upload_validators'] : array();

  // A URI may already have a trailing slash or look like "public://".
  if (drupal_substr($upload_location, -1) != '/') {
    $upload_location .= '/';
  if (!file_prepare_directory($upload_location, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
    watchdog('file', 'The upload directory %directory for the file field !name could not be created or is not accessible. A newly uploaded file could not be saved in this directory as a consequence, and the upload was canceled.', array(
      '%directory' => $upload_location,
      '!name' => $field_name,
    form_set_error($field_name, t('The file could not be uploaded.'));
    return FALSE;

  // Validate, clean up and move the files into it's destination, then register
  // as managed files (status = 0 until entity is saved).
  $saved_files = array();
  foreach ($pud_value as $uploaded_file) {
    if ($uploaded_file['status'] == 'done') {
      $source = $uploaded_file['tmppath'];
      $extensions = $upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'][0];

      // Transliterate, munge and validate file name.
      $filename = filefield_sources_clean_filename($uploaded_file['name'], $extensions);

      // Move the file to a temporary destination using final base file name.
      $temp_destination = file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize('temporary://' . $filename);
      $temp_filepath = file_unmanaged_move($source, $temp_destination, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

      // Save the files to their final destination.
      if ($file = filefield_sources_save_file($temp_filepath, $upload_validators, $upload_location)) {
        $saved_files[] = $file;
    else {
      form_set_error('pud', t('Upload of %name failed.', array(
        '%name' => $uploaded_file['name'],

  // Get exisitng file values.
  // File Field items are stored in the field state starting from Drupal 7.9.
  $field_state = field_form_get_state($field_element['#field_parents'], $field_name, $langcode, $form_state);
  if (isset($field_state['items'])) {
    $field_values = $field_state['items'];
  else {
    $field_values = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $field_parents);

  // Update field values with new files.
  foreach ($saved_files as $saved_file) {
    $field_values[$upload_delta] = (array) $saved_file;
    $field_values[$upload_delta]['_weight'] = $upload_delta;

  // Update form_state values.
  drupal_array_set_nested_value($form_state['values'], $field_parents, $field_values);

  // Update items.
  $field_state['items'] = $field_values;
  field_form_set_state($field_element['#field_parents'], $field_name, $langcode, $form_state, $field_state);
  return $pud_value;