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Files in FileField Sources 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description sources/ A FileField extension to allow use of files within a server directory. sources/ A FileField extension to allow transfer of files through the clipboard.
filefield_sources.api.php filefield_sources.api.php This file documents hooks provided by the FileField Sources module. Note that none of this code is executed by using FileField Sources module, it is provided here for reference as an example how to implement these hooks in your own module.
filefield_sources.css filefield_sources.css /* Generic display for all sources. */ div.filefield-source input.form-text, div.filefield-source select.form-select { display: inline; width: 20em; } div.filefield-source .form-item { white-space: normal; } div.filefield-source .hint { … name = File Field Sources description = Extends File fields to allow referencing of existing files, remote files, and server files. dependencies[] = file dependencies[] = system (>=7.36) package = Fields core = 7.x
filefield_sources.install filefield_sources.install Update and install functions for FileField Sources.
filefield_sources.module filefield_sources.module Extend FileField to allow files from multiple sources. sources/ A FileField extension to allow referencing of files from IMCE.
README.txt README.txt ----------------- FileField Sources ----------------- Description ----------- FileField Sources is a module that enhances the generic and image upload fields in Drupal. Typically such fields only allow you to upload a file from your desktop.… sources/ A FileField extension to allow referencing of existing files. sources/ A FileField extension to allow referencing of existing files.

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