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function filefield_paths_features_pipe_content_alter in File (Field) Paths 6

Attach our own export routine as a piped export that happens below any cck filefield path that is getting exported.

The component name for cck fields is 'content'


This captures each cck field export, and adds ourself to the dependencies and exports when that field is exported.


modules/, line 97
Features module integration.


function filefield_paths_features_pipe_content_alter(&$pipe, $data, $export) {
  foreach ($data as $field_identifier) {

    // CCK field export is exporting a field named $field_identifier.
    // If that is a filefield, we should attach ourselves as a subprocess (pipe).
    // .. actually, don't need to check the field type,
    // just see if we have some filefield_path
    // settings that use the same $field_identifier key!
    if (filefield_paths_load($field_identifier)) {

      // So add this setting as a piped child of the filed when it gets exported.
      $pipe['filefield_paths'][$field_identifier] = $field_identifier;