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function filefield_paths_entity_update in File (Field) Paths 8

Implements hook_entity_update().

2 calls to filefield_paths_entity_update()
filefield_paths_entity_insert in ./filefield_paths.module
Implements hook_entity_insert().
_filefield_paths_batch_update_process in ./filefield_paths.module
Batch callback for File (Field) Paths retroactive updates.


./filefield_paths.module, line 348
Contains core functions for the File (Field) Paths module.


function filefield_paths_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity) {
  if ($entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) {
    foreach ($entity
      ->getFields() as $field) {
      if ($field instanceof FileFieldItemList) {

        /** @var FieldConfig $definition */
        $definition = $field

        // Ignore base fields.
        if ($definition instanceof ThirdPartySettingsInterface) {
          $settings = $definition
          if (isset($settings['enabled']) && $settings['enabled']) {

            // Invoke hook_filefield_paths_process_file().
            foreach (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
              ->getImplementations('filefield_paths_process_file') as $module) {
              if (function_exists($function = "{$module}_filefield_paths_process_file")) {
                $function($entity, $field, $settings);