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function _filefield_paths_replace_path in File (Field) Paths 7

Run regular expression over all available text-based fields.





1 call to _filefield_paths_replace_path()
filefield_paths_filefield_paths_process_file in modules/
Implements hook_filefield_paths_process_file().


./filefield_paths.module, line 412
Contains core functions for the File (Field) Paths module.


function _filefield_paths_replace_path($old, $new, $entity) {
  $info = parse_url($old);
  if (isset($info['path'])) {
    $info['host'] .= $info['path'];

  // Generate all path prefix variations.
  $prefixes = _filefield_paths_replace_path_get_prefixes($info['scheme'], TRUE);
  $prefixes = implode('|', $prefixes);

  // Generate all image style path variations.
  $styles['raw'] = "styles/REGEX/{$info['scheme']}/";
  $styles['urlencode'] = urlencode($styles['raw']);
  foreach ($styles as &$style) {
    $style = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $style);
  $styles = implode('|', $styles);

  // General all path variations.
  $paths['raw'] = preg_quote($info['host'], '/');
  $paths['urlencode'] = preg_quote(urlencode($info['host']), '/');
  $paths['drupal_encode_path'] = preg_quote(drupal_encode_path($info['host']), '/');
  $paths = implode('|', $paths);

  // Newer versions of the Image module add an 8 character token which is
  // required if the image style hasn't been generated yet.
  $itok = '';
  if (defined('IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN')) {
    $itok = '((?:[\\?|&](?:\\S+?&)*|(?:%3F|%26)(?:\\S+?%26)*)' . IMAGE_DERIVATIVE_TOKEN . '(?:=|%3D)(\\S{8}))*';

  // Build regular expression pattern.
  $pattern = "/({$prefixes})({$styles})*({$paths}){$itok}/";

  // Create an anonymous function for the replacement via preg_replace_callback.
  $callback = function ($matches) use ($new, $old) {
    return filefield_paths_replace_path_callback($matches, $new, $old);
  if (!$callback) {
    watchdog('filefield_paths', 'Unable to create an anonymous function to find references of %old and replace with %new.', array(
      '%old' => $old,
      '%new' => $new,
  $fields = field_info_fields();
  foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
    if ($field['module'] == 'text' && isset($entity->{$field['field_name']}) && is_array($entity->{$field['field_name']})) {
      foreach ($entity->{$field['field_name']} as &$language) {
        foreach ($language as &$item) {
          foreach (array(
          ) as $column) {
            if (isset($item[$column])) {
              $item[$column] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $callback, $item[$column]);