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function filebrowser_get_icon in Filebrowser 5

Returns the appropriate HTML code for an icon representing a file, based on the extension of the file. A specific icon can also be requested with the second parameter.

1 call to filebrowser_get_icon()
filebrowser_get_list in ./filebrowser.module
Returns a list of files in a subfolder under the admin specified filebrowser root. File system details (size, last modification) is added, plus a metafile is parsed to gather more information, if available.


./filebrowser.module, line 325


function filebrowser_get_icon($fullpath = NULL, $iconname = NULL) {
  if (isset($fullpath)) {
    $iconname = is_dir($fullpath) ? 'folder' : preg_replace("!^.+\\.([^\\.]+)\$!", "\\1", $fullpath);
  elseif (!isset($iconname)) {
    $iconname = 'default';
  $iconfiles = array(
    variable_get('filebrowser_icons', '') . "/file-{$iconname}.png",
    variable_get('filebrowser_icons', '') . "/file-default.png",
  foreach ($iconfiles as $icon) {
    if (file_exists($icon)) {
      return theme("image", $icon);
  return '';