file_build_content |
./ |
Builds a structured array representing the file's content. |
2 |
file_delete_multiple |
./ |
Delete multiple files. |
4 |
file_displays |
./ |
Returns an array of displays to use for a file type in a given view mode. |
1 |
1 |
file_displays_load |
./ |
Returns an array of {file_display} objects for the file type and view mode. |
3 |
file_display_new |
./ |
Creates a new {file_display} object. |
1 |
file_display_save |
./ |
Saves a {file_display} object to the database. |
1 |
file_entity_access |
./file_entity.module |
Determine if a user may perform the given operation on the specified file. |
15 |
4 |
file_entity_action_info_alter |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_action_info_alter(). |
file_entity_add_upload |
./ |
Form callback for adding a file via an upload form. |
1 |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_multiple |
./ |
Form for uploading multiple files. |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_multiple_submit |
./ |
Submit handler for the multiple upload form. |
file_entity_add_upload_step_fields |
./ |
Generate form fields for the fourth step in the add file wizard. |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_step_filetype |
./ |
Generate form fields for the second step in the add file wizard. |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_step_scheme |
./ |
Generate form fields for the third step in the add file wizard. |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_step_upload |
./ |
Generate form fields for the first step in the add file wizard. |
1 |
file_entity_add_upload_submit |
./ |
Submit handler for the add file form. |
3 |
file_entity_admin_file |
./ |
Menu callback: file administration. |
1 |
file_entity_admin_files |
./ |
Form builder: Builds the file administration overview. |
1 |
file_entity_admin_files_submit |
./ |
Process file_entity_admin_files form submissions. |
1 |
file_entity_admin_files_validate |
./ |
Validate file_entity_admin_files form submissions. |
1 |
file_entity_admin_menu_map |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_admin_menu_map(). |
file_entity_admin_paths |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_admin_paths(). |
file_entity_build_filter_query |
./ |
Apply filters for file administration filters based on session. |
1 |
file_entity_cron_queue_info |
./file_entity.module |
file_entity_ctools_plugin_api |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api(). |
file_entity_ctools_plugin_directory |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). |
file_entity_delete_form |
./ |
Page callback: Form constructor for the file deletion confirmation form. |
2 |
file_entity_delete_form_submit |
./ |
Form submission handler for file_entity_delete_form(). |
file_entity_download_page |
./ |
Menu callback; download a single file entity. |
1 |
file_entity_download_uri |
./file_entity.module |
Return an URI for a file download. |
3 |
file_entity_edit |
./ |
Page callback: Form constructor for the file edit form. |
3 |
file_entity_edit_delete_submit |
./ |
Form submission handler for the 'Delete' button for file_entity_edit(). |
1 |
file_entity_edit_submit |
./ |
Form submission handler for the 'Save' button for file_entity_edit(). |
1 |
file_entity_edit_validate |
./ |
Form validation handler for file_entity_edit(). |
1 |
file_entity_entitycache_file_load |
./ |
Implements hook_entitycache_ENTITY_TYPE_load(). |
file_entity_entity_info_alter |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). |
file_entity_entity_load |
./ |
Implements hook_entity_load(). |
file_entity_entity_property_info |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_entity_property_info(). |
file_entity_features_pipe_file_type_alter |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_features_pipe_alter() for the file type component. |
file_entity_field_attach_load |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_field_attach_load(). |
file_entity_field_display_file_alter |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_field_display_ENTITY_TYPE_alter(). |
file_entity_field_extra_fields |
./file_entity.module |
Implements hook_field_extra_fields(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_info |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_info(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_info_alter |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_info_alter(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_prepare_view |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_prepare_view(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_settings_form |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_settings_summary |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary(). |
file_entity_field_formatter_view |
./ |
Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). |
file_entity_file_content_content_type_admin_title |
plugins/content_types/ |
file_entity_file_content_content_type_edit_form |
plugins/content_types/ |
Returns an edit form for this plugin. |