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interface field_timer_formatter_interface in Field Timer 7.2

Field formatter interface.


Expanded class hierarchy of field_timer_formatter_interface

All classes that implement field_timer_formatter_interface


includes/, line 11
Contains base help classes to perform field formatter related actions.

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interface field_timer_formatter_interface {

   * Check if it is possible to enable current formatter.
   * @return bool
  public function enableFormatter();

   * Get formatter definition.
   * @return array Formatter definition.
  public function getFormatterDefinition();

   * Get default formatter settings.
   * All settings for each field type will be combined into one array.
   * @return array Default settings.
  public function getDefaultSettings();

   * Get formatter settings summary.
   * @param array $settings Formatter settings array.
   * @param array $field Field definition.
   * @return string array summary.
  public function getSettingsSummary($settings, $field);

   * Get formatter settings form.
   * @param array $settings Formatter settings array.
   * @param array $field Field definition.
   * @return array Drupal form array to display formatter settings form.
  public function getSettingsForm($settings, $field);

   * Render field items.
   * @param @see hook_field_formatter_view().
   * @return array Drupal renderable array.
  public function renderItems($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display);

   * Get formatter name.
   * @return string Formatter name.
  public function getFormatterName();

   * Get field type.
   * @return string Field type.
  public function getFieldType();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
field_timer_formatter_interface::enableFormatter public function Check if it is possible to enable current formatter. 3
field_timer_formatter_interface::getDefaultSettings public function Get default formatter settings. All settings for each field type will be combined into one array. 4
field_timer_formatter_interface::getFieldType public function Get field type. 16
field_timer_formatter_interface::getFormatterDefinition public function Get formatter definition. 4
field_timer_formatter_interface::getFormatterName public function Get formatter name. 4
field_timer_formatter_interface::getSettingsForm public function Get formatter settings form. 4
field_timer_formatter_interface::getSettingsSummary public function Get formatter settings summary. 4
field_timer_formatter_interface::renderItems public function Render field items. 4