function _field_hidden_readme2html in Field Hidden 7
Parse README.txt to html.
- formats headlines; line with no hyphens followed by all hyphens line
- hyphen to bullet; newline+space+*+space becomes newline+space+bullet+space
- emphasizes underscore fragments; _what ever_ becomes <em>what ever</em>
- turns url into link, and http://your-drupal-site.tld/some-path becomes internal link to /some-path
- turns mail address into mailto link
Some replacements (like emphasizing) only works for ascii letters, not for letters line like ñ or ö.
string $readme_txt:
string $headline_tag:
- default: h5
Return value
- ./, line 123 - Drupal Field Hidden module administration
function _field_hidden_readme2html($readme_txt, $headline_tag = 'h5') {
if (!strlen($readme_txt)) {
return 'empty readme';
$ndls = array(
// CR -> NL
// trailing spaces (in lines)
// 3 or more newlines to double
// mail addresses
$rplcs = array(
'<a href="mailto:$1"><$1></a>',
$s = preg_replace($ndls, $rplcs, $readme_txt);
// Insert links in CONTENTS OF THIS FILE.
if (strpos($s, 'CONTENTS OF THIS FILE') !== FALSE) {
$pos_start = strpos($s, ' * ');
$pos_end = strpos($s, "\n\n", $pos_start);
$s_toc = preg_replace('/[ ]+\\n/', "\n", substr($s, $pos_start, $pos_end - $pos_start + 1));
// remove trailing space(s)
//echo $s_toc; exit;
$s_toc = preg_replace_callback('/ \\* ([^\\n]+)\\n/', function ($ms) {
return ' * <a href="#' . strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_\\-]/', '_', $ms[1])) . '">' . $ms[1] . '</a>' . "\n";
}, $s_toc);
$s_start = substr($s, 0, $pos_start);
$s_end = substr($s, $pos_end);
$s = str_replace('CONTENTS OF THIS FILE', 'CONTENTS', $s_start) . $s_toc . $s_end;
// Format headlines, and insert anchor.
$s = preg_replace_callback('/\\n([^\\n\\-])([^\\n]*[^\\n\\-])\\n[\\-]{2,}\\n+/', function ($ms) {
return '</p><a name="' . strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_\\-]/', '_', $ms[1] . $ms[2])) . '"></a><headlineTag style="margin-top:20px;">' . $ms[1] . '<span style="text-transform:lowercase;">' . $ms[2] . '</span></headlineTag><p>';
}, $s);
$s = str_replace('headlineTag', $headline_tag, $s);
$ndls = array(
$rplcs = array(
$s = preg_replace($ndls, $rplcs, $s);
// Links may be followed by a punctuation marker, hard to detect without a callback.
// And http://your-drupal-site.tld/path should become /path
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(https?\\:\\/\\/)(\\S+)([\\x20\\t\\n])/', function ($ms) {
$protocol = $ms[1];
$le = strlen($addr = $ms[2]);
$dot = '';
if (!preg_match('/[\\/a-zA-Z\\d]/', $addr[$le - 1])) {
$dot = $addr[$le - 1];
$addr = substr($addr, 0, $le - 1);
if (strpos($addr, 'your-drupal-site.tld/') === 0) {
$protocol = '/';
$addr = str_replace('your-drupal-site.tld/', '', $addr);
return '<a href="' . $protocol . $addr . '">' . $addr . '</a>' . $dot . $ms[3];
}, $s);
$ndls = array(
'/([\\n>]) \\* /',
// \n * to \n bullet
// first ending <p> added by headline (in total)
// trailing newlines (in total)
$rplcs = array(
'$1 • ',
return nl2br(preg_replace($ndls, $rplcs, $s)) . '</p>';