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18 calls to field_group_info_groups() in Field Group 7

field_group_attach_groups in ./field_group.module
Attach groups to the (form) build.
field_group_field_info_max_weight in ./
Implements hook_field_info_max_weight().
field_group_field_overview_submit in ./
Submit handler for the overview screens.
field_group_field_ui_form_params in ./
Helper function to get the form parameters to use while building the fields and display overview form.
field_group_update_7001 in ./field_group.install
Update hook on the field_group table to add an unique identifier.
field_group_update_7002 in ./field_group.install
Update hook to clear cache for new changes to take effect.
field_group_update_7003 in ./field_group.install
Update hook to recreate identifiers.
field_group_update_7005 in ./field_group.install
Checks all existing groups and removes optional HTML classes while adding them as extra classes.
field_group_update_7006 in ./field_group.install
Save all optional HTML classes for fieldgroups located in features. If you need the optional classes, recreate feature after this update. If not, you can revert it.
field_group_update_7007 in ./field_group.install
Id attributes are now a setting. This update will insert the old id in the setting so old markup doesn't get broken. If you don't want an attribute, you can delete them on the fieldgroup settings.
GroupDisplayTestCase::testAccordion in tests/field_group.display.test
Test the accordion formatter.
GroupDisplayTestCase::testDiv in tests/field_group.display.test
Test the div formatter.
GroupDisplayTestCase::testFieldAccess in tests/field_group.display.test
Test if an empty formatter.
GroupDisplayTestCase::testHorizontalTabs in tests/field_group.display.test
Test the horizontal tabs formatter.
GroupDisplayTestCase::testVerticalTabs in tests/field_group.display.test
Test the vertical tabs formatter.
GroupUITestCase::createGroup in tests/field_group.ui.test
Test the creation a group on the article content type.
GroupUITestCase::deleteGroup in tests/field_group.ui.test
Delete a group.
GroupUITestCase::testNestField in tests/field_group.ui.test
Nest a field underneath a group.