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function field_group_update_7006 in Field Group 7

Save all optional HTML classes for fieldgroups located in features. If you need the optional classes, recreate feature after this update. If not, you can revert it.


./field_group.install, line 314
Fieldgroup module install file.


function field_group_update_7006() {

  // Migrate the field groups so they have a unique identifier.
  $field_groups = ctools_export_load_object("field_group");
  foreach ($field_groups as $row) {

    // Only update feature field_groups this time.
    // Don't touch the fieldgroups in db.
    if ($row->export_type == EXPORT_IN_CODE) {
      $classes = array();
      if (isset($row->data['format_settings'], $row->data['format_settings']['instance_settings'], $row->data['format_settings']['instance_settings']['classes'])) {
        $classes = explode(" ", $row->data['format_settings']['instance_settings']['classes']);
      $optional_classes = array(
        str_replace("_", "-", $row->group_name),
        'field-group-' . $row->data['format_type'],
      foreach ($optional_classes as $optional_class) {
        if (!in_array($optional_class, $classes)) {
          $classes[] = $optional_class;
      $row->data['format_settings']['instance_settings']['classes'] = implode(" ", $classes);
      drupal_write_record('field_group', $row);

  // Clear drupal and static cache.
  field_group_info_groups(NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE);