function field_extract_value in Field Extract Values 7
Fetch a single field value from an entity
$entity_type: The type of the entity from which the value is being extracted.
$entity: The entity the field is part of, from which to extract the value.
$field_name: The field_name of the field to extract the value from.
$delta: Optional delta of value to extracted, defaults to 0, which is the first value, and only value for single value fields.
$options: Optional other options that could be applied to the value being extracted. See field_extract_values()
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field_extract.module, line 26 - Field extract - Extension of the Field API to allow proper extraction of field values from entities
function field_extract_value($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $delta = 0, array $options = array()) {
$options['delta'] = $delta;
return field_extract_values($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $options);