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function _field_encrypt_can_eval in Field Encryption 3.0.x

Determines if eval() is enabled on this PHP installation.

Several PHP extensions disable eval() as a security measure therefore we cannot assume it is available. The setting 'field_encrypt.use_eval_for_entity_hooks' provides a way for sites to disable this feature and add the hooks to a custom module. The code they need to add is provided on admin/reports/status. This will improve performance as code generated via eval() cannot be opcached.

Return value

bool Whether eval() is available.

5 calls to _field_encrypt_can_eval()
DynamicEntityHooksTest::testDynamicFunctionRegistration in tests/src/Kernel/DynamicEntityHooksTest.php
Tests _field_encrypt_define_entity_hooks().
field_encrypt_entity_insert in ./field_encrypt.module
Implements hook_entity_insert().
field_encrypt_entity_update in ./field_encrypt.module
Implements hook_entity_update().
field_encrypt_requirements in ./field_encrypt.install
Implements hook_requirements().
_field_encrypt_define_entity_hooks in ./field_encrypt.module
Creates entity hooks for entity types with encrypted fields.


./field_encrypt.module, line 406
Contains module hooks for field_encrypt.


function _field_encrypt_can_eval() {
  $can_eval = Settings::get('field_encrypt.use_eval_for_entity_hooks', TRUE);

  // If you are using either of these extensions assume eval() is not available.
  if ($can_eval && (extension_loaded('snuffleupagus') || extension_loaded('diseval'))) {
    $can_eval = FALSE;
  return $can_eval;