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7 calls to FieldCollectionItemEntity::hostEntity() in Field collection 7

FieldCollectionItemEntity::copyTranslations in ./
Copies text to all languages the collection item has a translation for.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::defaultLabel in ./
Specifies the default label, which is picked up by label() by default.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::deleteHostEntityReference in ./
Deletes the host entity's reference of the field collection item.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::delta in ./
Determines the $delta of the reference pointing to this field collection item.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::hostEntityBundle in ./
Returns the bundle of the host entity, which embeds this field collection item.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::hostEntityId in ./
Returns the id of the host entity, which embeds this field collection item.
FieldCollectionItemEntity::save in ./
Save the field collection item.